Hey Campi

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Re: Hey Campi

Did Glade hack MikeK's account?
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: Hey Campi

Banned User
snoloco wrote
Did Glade hack MikeK's account?
Are you serious?  You know the guy who started doesn't give two shits about you, and if you had any reading comprehension rather than just blathering your garbage you'd see that.

Listen, I talked to Harv a couple times on the phone and had some email contact.  I could go on.  What he told doesn't necessarily coincide with what his little story hypes him up as being.  So I'm glad it stoked him up and made him feel good but I asked him if he had ever talked to TJ because he seemed like a real dick.  Also, I'm not sure you get the most intimate conversation with someone riding a lift.  I've shared a lift with many strangers, couldn't tell you much about 'em.  I had a couple fairly long phone convos with this guy.  I don't know.  I know no one here likes me or gives a shit what I do, but he seemed like I was doing him a favor.  I mod another forum where people actually give a shit about things I like, so honestly, I don't see the point.

It's the second time I've been burned on this place, and to say I provoked any of it would be BS.  TJ goes way back to the first time I was here, and frankly, I don't forget that shit.  I put it behind me but when you share some personal info to try to help educate someone and they spit in your face, you gotta understand I'm not going to back down.  And Camp the big bully jumps in on every little skirmish.

So whatever Harv.  I hope you find some good friends in TJ and Camp, because you burned this bridge.

PS I won't call your dead sister a cunt, so don't compare me to that other guy.
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Re: Hey Campi

I think that's enough....
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Re: Hey Campi

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Re: Hey Campi

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This is the problem

Tele turns are optional not mandatory.
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Re: Hey Campi

Adk Jeff
I think we all need a group hug.
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Re: Hey Campi

I could use a hug.

Mike not sure what you want from me.  I didn't realize I was thrown under the bus, and didn't realize you defended me. Thanks for that I guess.

I stick by my answer. I don't really know those guys beyond the internet, but had a lot of fun with them one day and they were good to me.

I hoped you would hang around. You're a nordic guy who likes the woods and wants to feel natural snow underneath his skis. I think the variety makes the forum more interesting. SBR, TD and you (and others) get it, and maybe the stoke has spread to guys like Marcski who is now skiing tele at Plattekill and getting turns in his woods before work. That seems cool to me.

Bringing up my sister in a Trump kinda way seems low rent to me. If that was designed to hurt, good job.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Hey Campi

Banned User
Hey man, defending what you really wanted to defend with no mention of what you asked of me when that was being attacked was pretty low rent.

And I'm sorry you don't see what TJ posted as stark contrast to what you posted in the other thread.  But I'm sick of that soap opera.  If you can't figure it out, maybe you shouldn't run a forum.

I deleted any of my good useful content.  My big mistake was ever bringing it from a good forum here.  I tried to do you a favor because you asked me.  Maybe you were drunk or something and don't remember, but I do.  I'll stay and be a dick like rest until you feel like banning me, but why would I contribute anything positive here anymore?

And like I said Harv... it ain't the first time.  How do you expect people to respect your forum if you can't manage it properly?  I left the first time because of another asshole, which you guys apparently eventually handled.  So who was right?

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Re: Hey Campi

Banned User
In reply to this post by Harvey
Harvey wrote
Bringing up my sister in a Trump kinda way seems low rent to me. If that was designed to hurt, good job.
It was designed to remind you that you said that on this forum from a private convo you had and for Sno to not associate me with someone I'm not.
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Re: Hey Campi

Has anybody seen the movie Martian? Wife rented it the other night, poor guy trying to survive on another planet when his comrades all left him for dead...
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
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Re: Hey Campi

No. Have you ever seen Camper play fooze? He's terrible!
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Hey Campi

In reply to this post by PeeTex
PeeTex wrote
Has anybody seen the movie Martian? Wife rented it the other night, poor guy trying to survive on another planet when his comrades all left him for dead...
Which planet? Have you ever seen Camper drink beer? He's really good.
There's truth that lives
And truth that dies
I don't know which
So never mind - Leonard Cohen
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Re: Hey Campi

In reply to this post by ScottyJack
ScottyJack wrote
No. Have you ever seen Camper play fooze? He's terrible!
Yes. I played with him and TJ at ZigZag. They were both pretty damn good!
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Re: Hey Campi

In reply to this post by Highpeaksdrifter
I'm the best fooze player here!!! I've got skill.

Me thinks Mikey is off his meds again.

It was Mars the dude  was stranded on.

I do like drinking beer.

TJ, my day off was great  --- thanks for asking bro

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Re: Hey Campi

TJ or HPD or NJ iffin your around, will one of you guys please give SJ a wet willy for me next time you see him. Doesn't look like we'll get up there this year for me to do it myself.
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Re: Hey Campi

Glad you had a good off.  I hesitant to touch on any of this.  I guess this would be a fatal attraction meet mars thread.

For the record I lost in Fooze.  I always let the out of towners win...its just the nice thing to do
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Re: Hey Campi

I hear ya about the hesitancy, MammaMikey is a loose cannon and certainly is a sensitive lil fella

You Dacky guys are always thinking of us when we come for a visit.
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Re: Hey Campi


kumbaya my lord......kumbaya
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Re: Hey Campi

WTF is going on here? I think I missed a memo somewhere.

Worst thread ever. You guys all suck. Screw you guys, I'm going home.

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Re: Hey Campi

Guess this thread is the reason Off Topic stuff doesn't pop up in The Secret Button.
Tele turns are optional not mandatory.