Moose scat or deer?

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Re: Moose scat or deer?

Looks like a pile I saw at Wayne Hills that came from a big raccoon!
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Re: Moose scat or deer?

That could be too, Pro
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Re: Moose scat or deer?

Adk Jeff
Had a good ride Monday evening.  Scared up a deer and an owl.  We have lots of owls in our woods, but this was one of the biggest I've seen.  He was on the ground (prob had a mouse or other critter) and immediately took off for the trees.  I really only got a glimpse of him as he took off, but his wingspan must have been close to 6'.  Impressive bird.

Then, a short while later I came upon this cute little guy:

But the real reason I'm posting is more poop.  This was very close to where I came across the deer scat that kicked this thread off.  I assume it's canine, but judging by the fur and berries it's not from an alpo-eating doggie.  So, coyote?