NSBS Day 2: Woke up early.

Loaded the Tram.

Rode to the top.

Dropped in on Green Beret.

When Riv hucked the big rock, or more like sailed off it really...
Air Riverc0ilMatt ...well if you know Matt, you know that he could not let that stand unanswered...
Air MattchuckI lobbied heavily for tree skiing, and it worked.

Like yesterday, once again, Riverc0il's knowledge of Jay was a huge advantage.

We skied the trees almost exclusively.

Patrick sliced and diced everything.

We found some of the best snow of the day, after 3 o'clock.

Lots of great snow, a good percentage of untracked lines, sunshine, cold temps, and brutal windchill on the Freezer.
What a day.
* * *More NSBS Day 2:
www.thesnowway.comThe Real Jay Peak Snow ReportSki = MC SQUARED
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp