What happened to a simple flash of the lights?

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What happened to a simple flash of the lights?

Friggin self absorbed people today.  No, I didn't get nabbed, but it troubles me that people don't look out for one another when it comes to the Fuzz, Smokey the Bear, County Mounties, the Law, da Man.....

I grew up, and always still do, flashing my lights at oncoming vehicles when I've passed a speed trap or cop sitting on the side of the road.  Hey, it slows people down even sooner than getting to the cop, and might save them a ticket in the process.  Last night a state trooper was hanging and I flashed a few people.  More than one hit the brakes, so at least some people know what the flash means.  However, have we gotten to the point where people don't know or worse....don't care?  Not one person flashed me when I was on the way back, and the cop was still there. What's wrong with people today?!
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Re: What happened to a simple flash of the lights?

Although it appears to be constitutionally protected free speech to flash your lights in most states, it doesn't mean that a cop won't pull you over and cite you for some BS charge relating to improper use of high beams. That mere possibility probably outweighs what used to be a common courtesy among motorists.
"They don't think it be like it is, but it do." Oscar Gamble
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Re: What happened to a simple flash of the lights?

Do you blame that on ineffective teaching on the part of the parent, or today's stupid yutes?  Of course you be careful to try not to flash them when the Heat can see you do it!  But it seems you agree that people are selfishly unwilling to take a minor risk to help their fellow man (kind)...
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Re: What happened to a simple flash of the lights?

Could be that there has been enough coverage of police shooting unarmed citizens that everyone's a little intimidated and not interested in drawing attention to themselves by flashing others?
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Re: What happened to a simple flash of the lights?

Don't go fast enough to get a ticket. Problem solved.

It's funny that the OP starts by calling people self absorbed.

Sorry, but I ride my bike on the roads you want to speed on. I ride my motorcycle on the roads you want to speed on.

So its you who is self absorbed, and so important you can't obey the speed limit - at least within the buffer that cops clearly let you get away with.

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Re: What happened to a simple flash of the lights?

billyymc wrote
Don't go fast enough to get a ticket. Problem solved.
Exactly!!! You could spill your beer
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Re: What happened to a simple flash of the lights?

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In reply to this post by billyymc
billyymc wrote
Don't go fast enough to get a ticket. Problem solved.

It's funny that the OP starts by calling people self absorbed.

Sorry, but I ride my bike on the roads you want to speed on. I ride my motorcycle on the roads you want to speed on.

So its you who is self absorbed, and so important you can't obey the speed limit - at least within the buffer that cops clearly let you get away with.
Easy there, killer!  Where the heck did I say I was speeding????  Flashing my lights ain't gonna help me, capisce?  It's a courtesy to others.  You'll just say they shouldn't be speeding and deserve the ticket.  Maybe, but YOU are the one who just put out there there you should speed, within your own personal definition of whatever acceptable speeding is!  Nice to meet you, pot!!  Now, not all law enforcement might be in lock step with your acceptable speeding  buffer, so why not give your fellow driver a little heads up to make sure they are at the limit?  I'm not speeding and thinking of my fellow drivers, while you are speeding and making the rules up as you go along, and I'm the self absorbed one?

Dayum.....a lighthearted post about something that used to be a common courtesy and you get ripped a new one.  Ouch!!!
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Re: What happened to a simple flash of the lights?

It's not my job to protect those breaking a law. I don't see it as a courtesy.
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Re: What happened to a simple flash of the lights?

In reply to this post by JTG4eva!
JTG4eva! wrote
YOU are the one who just put out there there you should speed
No, that isn't what I said. That's how you interpreted what I said.

Sorry to jump on your post dude, but I ride my road bike 3 to 4k miles a year. Road safety is a big issue to me, and with the large number of shitty drivers out there I see no reason to be helping them out by signaling speed traps.

Fast aggressive driving, distracted driving, drunk driving - all of these things are out of control and a threat to everyone on or near the road. You wouldn't believe the number of tiny liquor bottles I see by the sides of the road.

I have people tailgate me when I'm riding my MC so close that if I had to brake hard they'd run me over.

IMO speeding - intentional and excessive speeding - is the entry into aggressive and dangerous driving.

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Re: What happened to a simple flash of the lights?

billyymc wrote
JTG4eva! wrote
YOU are the one who just put out there there you should speed
No, that isn't what I said.
Yes, it is!

[this room is arguments, isn't it?]

We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!