Ugh, that totally sucks. What the hell are they doing? Do you really need to wait to be seated at the bar? Really?? |
In reply to this post by Z
Maybe that's right, but... Maybe Apple's investments aren't contingent on repatriating cash. If they can borrow billion to pay dividends, why not borrow billions to invest in the company? Maybe the net effect is only that Apple buys back more stock, or issues less. It doesn't seem to have any problem borrowing. Maybe the real investment effect is that lower marginal tax rates increase the after tax return, and that attracts more foreign capital. In any event, capital formation doesn't seem to be a problem the US has been suffering from recently. You can believe a tax cut a good idea, but you can't ignore that it will a TRILLION WITH A T dollars or more to the debt. mm
"Everywhere I turn, here I am." Susan Tedeschi
In reply to this post by campgottagopee
No you can walk right up to the bar and belly up. Its not done and the old timers don't like change it will take them a while. I can tell you they upgraded the bar maids
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PHEW!!! All is ok w/ the world
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APA approves all changes
Personally, I like just about everything about the updated UMP. Cue Snoloco's arguments against in 3...2...
Sent from the driver's seat of my car while in motion.
I don't have a problem with most of this, if they do everything in the proper order.
Snowmaking has to be top priority. Otherwise they add any new terrain and another expert trail will be pretty much taken off the map. We already lost Hoyt's and Lookout Below. What's next? Mac? Lower Sky? If they do build the new trails, then they have to the new Freeway lift and run the Little Whiteface lift on a regular basis. The new trails will encourage even more people to lap the gondola and there are already way too many people trying to ride it. There needs to be a way to get around the even worse lines than there already are. Speeding up the gondola would help too. Two most recent times I timed it, it was only running at 875 feet per minute on non windy days and the design speed is 1212 feet per minute. At least run it at 1000 or better yet full speed. Why pay for the super long terminals to have the extra speed if you just want to run it slower?
I've lived in New York my entire life.
The idea of a Blue trail on little WF is just stupid as it’s much too steep for that and putting The new I lift up over LWF also makes zero sense as well. Trying to cut a blue on a black pitch was a disaster with W trail so you would think a lesson would have been learned but apparently not. What are the further restrictions for the Birds? Will it now take 3 season to do what every other ski area can do in one? Common sense seems to be in short supply
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
The trail that goes off of Approach towards the gondola will actually do so pretty much right at the end of where Approach dumps into Mountain Run. That may be doable as there is a ridge line they can follow that is lower angle. Trying to put a blue trail between Empire and Mac is stupid and will never work.
I've heard that new Freeway will actually go under LWF and they'll cut out a trench and slightly raise the towers on LWF to fit it. That idea has actually grown on me because the majority of the blue skiers they're trying to attract will lap the gondola and I'll get a new HSQ to ride that never has a line for the some (most) days when they don't bother opening LWF.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
Seems like a lot of complexity to get a lift up another 200 feet above the top of Mt Run. If they are going to run that new trail essentially off the side of the existing I lift why bother. Just keep the existing lift line and route with a HSQ
There really is no reas9n this lift needs to go to the bottom. It will be a considerable distance up hill from the base lodge regardless so Keep it as is and just upgrade it.
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
I don't know exactly where the trail would go but that's what I've been told. I think that plan may be modified if they junked the plans for the second trail between Mac and Empire (which is why the lift was supposed to end above Mtn Run in the first place). I'd be so happy if they threw that asinine idea out because that would mean we could still get the 3rd Lookout trail which we wouldn't have had mileage for otherwise.
I think they want that lift going to the bottom so that it encourages people to use it over the gondola. But with one intermediate trail (skied by people who prefer to lap the gondola anyways) and no mid-station for NYSEF, who is going to really use that lift? Experts won't use it if LWF is running. Really it becomes yet another backup for the gondola which they will likely hardly ever run. I'd rather see LWF and/or the summit go detachable (after extensive snowmaking upgrades though). I think a detachable on the Freeway alignment would be greatly underutilized with or without another intermediate trail and I'd like to be able to ski the upper mountain without sitting on a cold slow lift for 10+ minutes. Currently the only alternative is to ski through hoards of joeys to the bottom and wait in line for a considerable length of time to ride the gondola. Doppelmayr now has a high wind option for chairs on detachable lifts where they have a plastic slotted backrest and weights under the seats and I can't think of any better application for those features than Whiteface.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
So does APA approval mean the new chair from Bear to mid is a go? Are all proposals now a go? Where does new chair end? Mid lodge or base of two upper chairs ? Approval means what to execution? How much of the $60m in this years budget cares for this plan? Will I be alive to reap the benefits?
How old are you?
I ride with Crazy Horse!
In reply to this post by Hoser
LOL Scotty good answer!
The UMP is about permission. Funding is a separate issue.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
Not sure of allocation breakdown other than its not all for ski mtns.
They are cleared for all approved proposals. Things listed as approved conceptional will have to come back for future ump once the specific details are finalized. Bear lift would mid drop at current end drop and end drop to a clearning skiers left above the split of calaminty lane off thurway Their presently is enough milage under the trail cap for the new trail off approach and the lookout mtn trail - (so in other words SnoIsWrongAgain). I’ve been in the woods extensively between empire and upper mac and for sure it is possible to put an intermediate trail in there. The already, since 1996, approved trail along approach and wrapping around skiers right of existing freeway lift back onto parkway is super doable. Having only one intermediate option off little whiteface is not in the best interest of Whiteface. And an intermediate trail to all expert terrain creates a lot of problems. A high speed quad from base to just above lift I (7, racer chair) which is still in the best protected wind zone would be a great enhance to move skiers on big wind days during or the day after major storm events Snowmaking infrastructure improvements are first priority. Then lifts and new trails. Very excitted for these changes and thankful for the funding!!
I ride with Crazy Horse!
Bear lift would mid drop at current end drop and end drop to a clearning skiers left above the split of calaminty lane off thurway I just cant picture this. It must go uphill of the ridge that is by the midlodge, right? |
Correct. There is an access road that cuts from bottom of mtn run to bottom of calamity lane - right around tower 1 of lwf chair. Above that. In vinicity of where 1980 scoreboard is
I ride with Crazy Horse!
In reply to this post by ScottyJack
so there is really two chairs in the plan 1) a new bear chair with a mid station and a top around the top of Mid I now which I assume utilizes the I lift line - it would serve the race needs though probably not as well as they would have to do to bottom to load and get mixed in with the masses using Bear lift unless they do a mid load lift like at Alta but those are pretty uncommon and probably costly. 2) a new I lift on a different lift line would that allow to open the skiing under the upper I liftline that will no longer have a lift on it? I recall skiing that legally way back like 20+ years ago. Also is there mileage under the limit to do two new trails off LWF and the one on the lookers right of Lookout? That trail should be priority as it would get more use out of that lift and would be sheltered from the wind pretty well - it looks to also have some great glade potential and is high in elevation.
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
<quote author="Z"
so there is really two chairs in the plan Yes Bear would would extend its line to above calaminty lane intersection. The new I lift would lookers left of where bear starts now and use most of existing I line extending above current drop zone to somewhere between start of empire and upper mac. Also is there mileage under the limit to do two new trails off LWF and the one on the lookers right of Lookout? </quote> Yes on milage. The approved not built trail on lookout is lookers right off liftline starting off on wilmington and connecting back to hoyts at rand’s last stand.
I ride with Crazy Horse!
A portion of the trail off parkway would use some of the existing lift line under racer chair above the present mid drop
I ride with Crazy Horse!
In reply to this post by Z
I don't get why all these new lifts are supposed to start from the bottom. I don't see out of base capacity as a pressing issue for Whiteface. When the gondola gets crowded (most of the time), I ride the Facelift (and sometimes ride it even when the gondola isn't crowded). When the Facelift gets crowded, I go Bear to Freeway and then don't return to the base until the end of the day (and I've only had to do that once this year).
The Freeway lift is the most underutilized lift on the mountain and replacing it with a high speed quad that goes to the bottom will not get many more people to ride it. Experts won't use it if LWF is running. Intermediates won't use it as they prefer to lap the gondola. On windy days it might be useful. The blue trail that is planned to go off towards the gondola like I said earlier may actually be a decent trail. Should have nice views and will result in Parkway getting more attention with snowmaking. The one between Empire and Mac would be like trying to dynamite Skyward into a blue with switchbacks. And it will get blasted by the wind. If it allows one to access the Summit and Lookout lifts from the new Freeway lift that would be really great as I would never need to ride the gondola again. I looked at extending the existing Freeway route with a slight turn that could be done with canted sheaves. That and upgrading Bear would make more sense than crowding the base area with an additional lift and would upgrade out of base capacity. And with a mid station in the current location it would be useful for racers. A new Bear lift could be extended in both directions and start closer to the gondola and end at mid. If they're going to do so much to improve their product for intermediates, then they also need to be fair and do something to improve it for experts which would be in the form of snowmaking upgrades that would result in Hoyt's and Cloudspin being open on a much more consistent full time basis, more resurfacing on expert trails, and cutting the final Lookout trail.
I've lived in New York my entire life.