It takes 27 seconds to experience the roller coaster Kingda Ka. If you don't count an hour or more waiting in line.
Neve said to me today if she had 27 seconds to live and had her choice she'd take a ride on the world's tallest coaster. What would you do with that much time? 27 seconds of blower pow? Or what?
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
Hate to be stereotypical and sappy, but I’d probably hug my kids and tell them I love them and to live life to the fullest.
In reply to this post by Harvey
27 seconds isn’t enough time. I need about nine minutes
"You want your skis? Go get 'em!" -W. Miller
I ahve been there in a life treatening scenario
Nine years ago ,When i had my heart attack in the car alone on a back country road 20 miles from home early on a Sunday am after playing golf i. I was fading quickly and extremely weak but called my wife after calling 911 . She was out walking without a cell phone so i left a message much like Witchy described . . IT was the loneliest 27 seconds in my life !!! Fortunately i survived ." 911 triangulated my cell found me . A friend was driving the Rescue squad Ambulance . they got me to the hospital IN TIME to shoot me with a clot buster , stabilize me and send on a TWO HR ambulance ride to St Joes in Syracuse for emergency open heart . It was a surreal moment , making that call was the most difficult thing i ever hadto do , not knowing if i wouldmake it without kissing my wife andtelling her how very much she means to me . Twenty seven seconds in that scenario is an eternity .
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.
Since Im going to heaven Im not worried one bit.
I ride with Crazy Horse!
In reply to this post by warp daddy
Damn Warp! That's something. Can't imagine what you were feeling.
I'd like to be holding my girl |
I was nearly killed in a car accident back in 91. I was on my way home from church, and my car was struck by a freight train. I was headed up to the ski area formerly known as Doe Mountain (after leaving church early), and the timing happened to be perfect. I had gone through that crossing countless times without even thinking of stopping. The tracks that passed though a large cornfield. No gates. No lights. If I was a believer (my faith went out the window at about age 10), I would say leaving church early had something to do with my misfortune. The train T-boned my poor little VW GTI on the driver side. I was wearing my seat-belt, but it failed as the force at impact broke the seat off the floor. I broke the passenger side window with my head, and then smashed the windshield with my face. The car was pushed down the tracks until the rear axle cut loose and the car rolled into a ravine. I was conscious and alert when the PA state trooper arrived. Shortly after he began interrogating me, I started to seize up... they had to call in a bird to life flight me over to LVH. I was in a drug induced coma for about 3 weeks. I don't remember any of it (or anything from a few months prior or after for that matter), but I suspect it all took place in about 27 seconds.
Life is short. I don't have children, but having gone through that experience, and seeing how it impacted my mom, I would choose to spend my last 27 seconds holding my mother hand. ![]() |
Damn Warp and nepa!
In reply to this post by nepa
In reply to this post by witch hobble
Damn. Two amazing stories. Now I feel bad for joking about it. I almost choked to death on a piece of hotdog at Yankees stadium once. It was during a series game and my sister and her husband were of zero help. No heimlich, no "does anybody know the heimlich?" Or "is there a doctor here?". They looked st me, realized I was choking and my sister kind of wondered out loud what they should do. All I thought about was how to clear my own airway. I ended up reaching down my own throat and pulling it out with my fingers. I basically shoved my whole arm in there to reach it. No idea how long I was without air. Maybe 27 seconds, felt like longer. Even worse, my sister left (a world series game) in the eighth inning, right after the Yankees tied up. WTF?
"You want your skis? Go get 'em!" -W. Miller
About dying quickly or having time to plan, a comedian once said, "I want enough time to hide all my porn."
Sent from the driver's seat of my car while in motion.