3-9-15 Bolton Valley (6" powder day)

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3-9-15 Bolton Valley (6" powder day)

Glade Runner
Banned User
We showed up to Bolton Valley first thing when they were still plowing the parking lot.  Only a few rows of cars for a Monday morning and a fresh 6" on the ground and still snowing.  After thoroughly putting it all on the line the day before at Middlebury, I was beat.  I stubbed my toe at the hotel and had a huge blood bister I drained on my big toe.  I could barely walk so I was nervous how this was going to go.  We stopped in for our lift tickets and talked to a guy in the food section working the register.  I mentioned it was our first time here and he asked what we liked to ride.  I said glades which he smiled and grabbed a trail map and pen.  He began showing us what woods to check out.  Even entrances to unmarked woods we should hit.  He showed us where to traverse over to the wilderness double and where to cut back since it was not running on a Monday, so we could experience the woods on that part of the mountain.  Very friendly and very helpful for us considering it was our first time here.

The first run down the mountain was a relief.  Cutting into 6 inches of light powder let me know everything was going to be just fine with my foot and the blister wasn't going to effect me too much.  The mountain remained untouched by groomers since before the storm so a nice light coating was everywhere.  We traversed over to the Wilderness Peak for a few runs a slashed the powder up through the trails and some mellow woods.

We then sought out more of the recommended woods off the main quad.

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Re: 3-9-15 Bolton Valley (6" powder day)

Glade Runner
Banned User
After a few hours we went over to the lower quad.  On the first run over we could see only a few people had been down the main trails.  Fresh tracks weren't going anywhere all day.

We started hitting the glades on this area to find they hadn't even a single track in them as of yet.  We also explored an area we were told by that nice dude that was wide open.  Just look for the narrow entrance.

By maybe 1 in the afternoon the snow stopped and the sun came out.  We ended up getting a decent view towards the Adirondacks.

And then back in the woods for more fun.

We rode it hard all the way up to 2pm.  Skipped lunch because we are core like that and got out of there so we could make it home at a reasonable hour.  It was about 5 and a half hours back.  Bolton was a lot of fun.  I'm sure a lot of it had to do with 6 inches of fresh and no one there to track it up as is usually the case.  But, that's why you don't see me posting trip reports with 45 min lift line waits on a Saturday at some destination resort.  This was my first time at Bolton Valley and the terrain wasn't nearly as core as Middleberry, it did have steady pitch.  It had some nice steep up top in spots and got mellower towards the bottom.  The amount of marked and unmarked woods made this a lot of fun as well.  If it were not for the Vermont Ski Card, I may not have gotten a chance to ski this place.  It's a relief to know that lift lines are not the norm as we skied on every single time two days straight without waiting for a single person.  

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Re: 3-9-15 Bolton Valley (6" powder day)

Glade Runner wrote
  This was my first time at Bolton Valley and the terrain wasn't nearly as core as Middleberry, it did have steady pitch.  
Your take on these 2 places is quite head scratching. Not sure what steady pitch is, but the bottom 2/3's is flatter than shit. Here's 2 identical shots of Bolton  with one showing the contours. Both places are kind of boring for anyone more than an intermediate

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Re: 3-9-15 Bolton Valley (6" powder day)

Glade Runner
Banned User
By steady pitch I meant no flats and hiking/skating like Middlebury.  I said steeper up top, pretty mellow down low.  Yes lower 2/3 pretty mellow.  I had fun.  If you could read, I said being a powder day and no one there made it fun.  I didn't think it was too challenging.  I guess the motive is to put me down as a skier and make yourself a big man.  Never said I wasn't an intermediate.  I always have fun at a new mountain.  Would I start going there on the regular?  probably not.  But averaging over 300 inches of snow a year is a good thing.  Anything head scratching about that?
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Re: 3-9-15 Bolton Valley (6" powder day)

Glade Runner wrote
  I guess the motive is to put me down as a skier and make yourself a big man.  
Hold on now there spunky. Your rambling on about this all this core nonsense, whatever the fuck that is. I'm just pointing out that these 2 places wouldn't keep some peoples interest

It wasn't meant as a putdown, but your making these places out to be more than they are
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Re: 3-9-15 Bolton Valley (6" powder day)

Glade Runner
Banned User
The core thing was just a joke based on things in previous posts.  But there were definitely some drops that were core at Middlebury.  I guess I'm just stoked because they are new places to me.  And I keep scoring pow and avoiding lift lines.  Would you like me better if I stood in line for 45 min and showed off my new gear?  Instead I'm hand stitching it back up and ruining it in the woods.  Like someone else here once said, it's how you ride it.  I had probably no single run without riding the woods.  And I'm finding fresh lines at the end of the day.  Your know what?  I don't recommend either of these mountains to anyone.  I wouldnt have gone if I didn't have tickets on my ski cards.  In fact stay at the busy resorts with those lift lines.  They are way more fun.  How's that for you spunky?  
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Re: 3-9-15 Bolton Valley (6" powder day)

Very surprised you found Middlebury more interesting than Bolton. Bolton has much more sustained pitch before its run out and IMO more interesting terrain. The Preacher/Devil's area is amazing, the line far far skier's right on the edge of the trail visible from the Quad might be reason enough for me to get back there at least once per season, perhaps one of my top ten favorite lines. Some pretty big cliffs at Bolton, too. The run out at Bolton is pretty atrocious but at least where there is great steep pitch tree skiing, you can get quite a few turns in before the run out... rather than ducking in and out of the woods for short shots.

It is all good, everyone prefers different things for different reasons. Just kinda surprised I had the opposite experience of you at these two areas. If you followed the suggestions of the guy that pointed areas out... I have to wonder if he withheld information of the gnarliest of the terrain and biggest drops given either he didn't know your abilities or didn't want to dish the best lines.

Neither of these mountains are high up on my list but I'd definitely go back to Bolton once a season on the right day.
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Re: 3-9-15 Bolton Valley (6" powder day)

Glade Runner
Banned User
riverc0il wrote
Very surprised you found Middlebury more interesting than Bolton. Bolton has much more sustained pitch before its run out and IMO more interesting terrain. The Preacher/Devil's area is amazing, the line far far skier's right on the edge of the trail visible from the Quad might be reason enough for me to get back there at least once per season, perhaps one of my top ten favorite lines. Some pretty big cliffs at Bolton, too. The run out at Bolton is pretty atrocious but at least where there is great steep pitch tree skiing, you can get quite a few turns in before the run out... rather than ducking in and out of the woods for short shots.

It is all good, everyone prefers different things for different reasons. Just kinda surprised I had the opposite experience of you at these two areas. If you followed the suggestions of the guy that pointed areas out... I have to wonder if he withheld information of the gnarliest of the terrain and biggest drops given either he didn't know your abilities or didn't want to dish the best lines.

Neither of these mountains are high up on my list but I'd definitely go back to Bolton once a season on the right day.
I'm not sure where I said one was more interesting than the other.  I agree that Bolton had more sustained pitch but, somehow people scratch their head over that.  I felt like it was steep in spots but generally mellowed out after.  While it got mellow it didn't get flat.  The Preacher/Devils area was nice.  I don't know where you get your observation of the guy helping us.  I didn't ask for it, he readily gave it to us.  He pointed out marked glades, unmaked glades and info about riding over to the wilderness Peak without the lift running and getting back.  I did come across some steep lines although short and some drops.  It seems either people can't read or I can't convey shit to you in my reports.  I'll be sure to keep that in mind next time I think about spending my free time trying to give an honest report about a place.  Since I'm not the clicky type, seems like most of you would like to see me gone.  Might get your wish assholes.
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Re: 3-9-15 Bolton Valley (6" powder day)

Adk Jeff
In reply to this post by Glade Runner
Glade Runner wrote
Would I start going there on the regular?  probably not.  But averaging over 300 inches of snow a year is a good thing.  
This guy's got it figured out pretty good.  Bolton for touring and the occasional quick lift session, Stowe just down the road.  I could settle for that.
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Re: 3-9-15 Bolton Valley (6" powder day)

In reply to this post by Glade Runner
I prefer Middlebury to Bolton. Bolton has great snow, nice views, not much else to bring me back unless i lived in Burlington.

Snow Bowl has epic trees, and the steeps are really worthwhile if short. I'd happily spend Saturdays there avoiding lines at the resorts.

It's also possible that not everyone on the internet knows everything about every area, yours truly included.

(jk about the last part)
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Re: 3-9-15 Bolton Valley (6" powder day)

In reply to this post by Glade Runner
You're making all these posts and don't expect a conflicting point of view? Grow some thicker skin man
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Re: 3-9-15 Bolton Valley (6" powder day)

Adk Jeff
In reply to this post by ml242
Both Middlebury and Bolton (but especially Bolton) have been on my list of destinations to check out with the family.  They're a bit far for a daytrip from 'Toga, but it seems they both could be worthwhile destinations. Good snow, interesting terrain, low key vibe.
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Re: 3-9-15 Bolton Valley (6" powder day)

Glade Runner
Banned User
In reply to this post by skimore
skimore wrote
You're making all these posts and don't expect a conflicting point of view? Grow some thicker skin man
That's the problem.  I don't think we really conflicted at all.  You just can't read or added something that wasn't there.
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Re: 3-9-15 Bolton Valley (6" powder day)

Fixedheeln and I skied there last week,had a fun time. It fit in nicely as a travel day ski day, especially when we had 1 free ticket and a $34 on line ticket(on there website ,couldnt be easier). $17 each makes a shorter first day of 4 very easy to take.  Vista side was pretty fun combined with lower woods.Was also able to work in a little lower woods in to Devils/Cobrass side also. Would liked to have checked the Wilderness side out but that  chair wasn't spinning .Not sure we are core enough to spend the whole day there but will return again on a future Vt tour.  
Tele turns are optional not mandatory.
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Re: 3-9-15 Bolton Valley (6" powder day)

In reply to this post by Glade Runner
I think I didn't take your "core" comment in the spirit that you intended it as (looks like you meant it as a joke?). To me, that read like you didn't think much of Bolton's terrain compared to Middlebury's which surprised me, that is all.

Glade Runner wrote
Since I'm not the clicky type, seems like most of you would like to see me gone.  Might get your wish assholes.
Just contrasting differing perspectives and trying to converse in an online forum. Wasn't trying to offend, sorry if you took it that way. My bad if I didn't take your joke in the context you intended and therefore drew incorrect inferences. I don't think the asshole comment was not warranted, I enjoy the TRs, especially from places that don't normally get coverage. I am a big fan of lesser known mid-sized areas in the 1000ish vert range.