A new USFST member needs your help

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Re: A new USFST member needs your help

Hey Harv -

I know here Dad is out there in Utah with her right now.

The back surgery is mostly un-related to her "rough landing" in Switzerland - where she actually LOST a ski in mid-air. The video fo that is kind of crazy and is on her FB page I think. Banged up her knee, and was recovering well before the back issue.

I'll let her dad comment on the back surgery and what the future is for Si Ning. She is a tough young lady though.
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Re: A new USFST member needs your help

Thanks for asking Harv! And, Sorry for taking so long to respond. And, thanks to billyymc for filling in for me while I was taking my time

Si Ning's knee first got injured in Switzerland back in March when she lost one ski at the double kicker and landed with one foot stuck in the snow. First day first jump. Her trip was cut short and so was her season. She busted her MCL, PCL and MPFL as a result. The good news was her ligaments healed miraculously well after that without a surgery and she was ready to make a return in July.

Just as she was about to get cleared for regular training again, they uncovered a pinched nerve in her lumbar section of her spine. That was when the coaching and medical staff put a halt to her training. An MRI showed that her Spondylolisthesis had worsened to the point that any additional impact or fall would have caused catastrophic results. This chronic back condition was likely caused by an injury a long time ago (gymnastics? -- symptoms of which starts back in the J3 days). The only resolution at this time was to undergo a spinal fusion and realignment. This news came at her really hard. In order to take her mind off what's ahead until her health becomes more stable and certain, the focus entirely switched over to schooling, an opportunity she never had to work full time towards -- a silver lining I suppose.

As for the procedure, after a rough first 2 to 3 weeks (while I was there), her back recovery is progressing well. She is now back to her normal daily routine: driving, attending classes, doing her desk job, etc. In a couple of months, she will be allowed to ease into some exercising. Meanwhile, she cannot do any bending, lifting or twisting. The prognosis from the spinal surgeon to return back to the sport is 1.5 years from the time of the surgery. Needless to say, over this period, there are a lot of uncertainties and there is a lot to think about.

That is pretty much it in a nutshell. Our family thank you, Harv and/or anyone else, for thinking of us and being so supportive. Si Ning will try to keep everyone updated on her Facebook page if anyone is interested (www.facebook.com/SiNingChanAerialist).


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Re: A new USFST member needs your help

Glad she's on the road to recovery

A year and a half will fly by and she'll prolly come out the other side even stronger.