A18 gang invades WF 2012

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A18 gang invades WF 2012

What a weekend, WOW!!!

After a week off, I'm a bit swamped back here at "reality", but didn't want the day to go by without saying
HUGE THANK YOU to all the azzclowns, you guys know how to do it!!! Was great seeing, chatting and drinking with all of you.

More later.....reality sucks
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Re: A18 gang invades WF 2012

You didn't ski, did you? Is your elbow sore? I'm considering WF this upcoming weekend, how do you think it'll hold up? Yeah, I'm experiencing a dose of reality after an awesome weekend myself.
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Re: A18 gang invades WF 2012

Cornhead wrote
You didn't ski, did you? Is your elbow sore? I'm considering WF this upcoming weekend, how do you think it'll hold up? Yeah, I'm experiencing a dose of reality after an awesome weekend myself.
No, no skiing for me

From what I was told if you stay above mid life is good...stay high bro
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Re: A18 gang invades WF 2012

Apparently rednecks from CNY are tougher than big bad mountain men from the north country.....bwhwhahahahahaha

What a blast we had...got friggin hammered with TJ on thurs night, seems to be a tradition now, that boy will party at the drop of a hat, it's no wonder we all get along.

Saturday was just picture perfect. Blue sky, bright sun, cold beer, Cuse game, and Lucid playing on the deck(the deck scene was killer)....perfect for hanging out with HPD, TJ, Noah,Jack, and Scotty, even got to meet Coach Z. Pants??? I still need to meet Pants dammmmitttt.

After the deck, HPD took us to a party with UBU on tap and a million dollar view of WF, thanks HPD!!!! There I got to see Big Jason again and met one of his buddies Steve. Turns out they know my cousin who lives near P-burgh....guess all dem lumber jack dudes know each other...small world.

Then it was off to Steins....place is cool, with a nice Dacky vibe to it. Even got to see the chair of truth....haha, what fun that thing must be. We missed some of the WF crew there due to it getting drunk out, we needed to make a mile or it was gonna be a real nasty drive back to SL.

Was great seeing you guys again...iffin ya'll get down this way pls give a holler.
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Re: A18 gang invades WF 2012

Oh stop.  that was some funny stuff .  We should have gotten in there again.  It was 2 to 3.  Could have gone either way and its hard when you are laughing so much.  We followed zero of the rules and that just made me laugh more.  The leg sweep was the turning point.  I could not get up after that without getting the beat down.   The guy sais no hitting in the head and while the banker was listening to him I cracked him right in the noggin.  The second time he was getting up I beat him off before he could get his balance.  Then the third time he was getting up he leg swept me before he got on. the rest was hsitory.  All within a matter of 30 seconds.   What we should have done and ran over and jumped ont he bar and started beating the patron.  That would been FCC Larry.    I get along well with rednecks...well I get along well with everyone as long as your not a dick.  Some people have the dick problem.  
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Re: A18 gang invades WF 2012

LOL, I know, couldn't resist.

And you talk about funny...when you took his head off I spit beer all over some dude standing in front of me...he found no humor in that but oh well, I did.

Best part was when the banker yelled, "he didn't say go"...lmao
Good times as always TJ, thanks bro.
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Re: A18 gang invades WF 2012

In reply to this post by campgottagopee
campgottagopee wrote
What a weekend, WOW!!!

After a week off, I'm a bit swamped back here at "reality", but didn't want the day to go by without saying
HUGE THANK YOU to all the azzclowns, you guys know how to do it!!! Was great seeing, chatting and drinking with all of you.

More later.....reality sucks
So ... how about the big Fooz match between you and SJ???? What happened????
It's easy to be against something ... It's hard to be for something!
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Re: A18 gang invades WF 2012

In reply to this post by campgottagopee
Apparently the bartender at the Dancing Bear has the dick problem, or at least Racer Ron thought so...hahahaha

how was that one, Racer yelling , "well camp, we're not going in there, they already pissed me off"
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Re: A18 gang invades WF 2012

In reply to this post by Face4Me
Face4Me wrote
campgottagopee wrote
What a weekend, WOW!!!

After a week off, I'm a bit swamped back here at "reality", but didn't want the day to go by without saying
HUGE THANK YOU to all the azzclowns, you guys know how to do it!!! Was great seeing, chatting and drinking with all of you.

More later.....reality sucks
So ... how about the big Fooz match between you and SJ???? What happened????
Never happened....too nice of a day out on the deck...we did talk about it tho. Besides, now we have another full year of smack talk be4 he gets his azz kicked
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Re: A18 gang invades WF 2012

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Re: A18 gang invades WF 2012

No pants, she had to work!  Made it to steins by 10, but you must have been gone by then.  oh well, one day!  Glad to had fun, was such awesome weather!
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Re: A18 gang invades WF 2012

Yup, one day for sure.

Yeah, we split around 9ish I'd say...had to roll or we were gonna be walking back to SL. None of us have a drinking problem, we seem to have a stopping drinking problem

ps, that scotty jack dude you hang with is one cool cat
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Re: A18 gang invades WF 2012

In reply to this post by campgottagopee
campgottagopee wrote
Apparently rednecks from CNY are tougher than big bad mountain men from the north country.....bwhwhahahahahaha

whoa!  can't believe I missed this!  way too much fun going on Sat!
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: A18 gang invades WF 2012

In reply to this post by campgottagopee
campgottagopee wrote
Yup, one day for sure.

Yeah, we split around 9ish I'd say...had to roll or we were gonna be walking back to SL. None of us have a drinking problem, we seem to have a stopping drinking problem
more like a geographic locational problem...  Why the hell you staying way over in SL??  
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: A18 gang invades WF 2012

In reply to this post by campgottagopee
campgottagopee wrote
now we have another full year of smack talk be4 he gets his azz kicked
now that's something to look 4ward to!  
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: A18 gang invades WF 2012

You should stay in winkytown next time Campee!
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Re: A18 gang invades WF 2012

looks like some stupid fun! 
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Re: A18 gang invades WF 2012

In reply to this post by ScottyJack
ScottyJack wrote
campgottagopee wrote
Apparently rednecks from CNY are tougher than big bad mountain men from the north country.....bwhwhahahahahaha

whoa!  can't believe I missed this!  way too much fun going on Sat!
Dude, it happened fast!!!! Noah saw what was going on and tried to round you guys up, but by the time he found everyone it was over. Like TJ said it was Larry, off the charts Larry. The "ref" was trying to explain the rules to these 2 idiots all the while they're beating the snot our of each other...it truly was a draw. However, MAJOR point for TJ for that first head shot...wow!!! Totally reminded me of that rock 'um sock 'um game.....Banker gave TJ a leg sweep that dang near sent him out of the ring. Wicked funny stuff at WF
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Re: A18 gang invades WF 2012

that's awesome!  
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: A18 gang invades WF 2012

In reply to this post by ScottyJack
ScottyJack wrote
campgottagopee wrote
Yup, one day for sure.

Yeah, we split around 9ish I'd say...had to roll or we were gonna be walking back to SL. None of us have a drinking problem, we seem to have a stopping drinking problem
more like a geographic locational problem...  Why the hell you staying way over in SL??
My cuz owns a place in SL so the price is right up our alley. That said, it does cut into the party as far as hanging out with you guys....me thinks that Steins could be a good base camp next year...prices seem doable and the place is cool