ACR Developer Selling House, Giving up?

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ACR Developer Selling House, Giving up?

Got word late yesterday that the ACR front man, Tom Lawson has listed his house for sale, you can find it on realtor dot com. Just input Tupper Lake and search, his home is the first one you'll see at the halucinatory price of $3.5 Million. Many theories abound on the reason for sale, IRS putting the heat on to pay off the $538000. liens? Totally out of cash? Threatening to take his marbles and go home? Maybe his lawyers told him the permit has expired and he will have to start over as was reported in the Adirondack Daily Enterprise today? This guy is a major dreamer, just look at some of the other waterfront homes for sale on the site, you can get much bigger, newer easier access homes for hundreds of thousands less or even millions less. Guess he has bought into his own hype about prices that he thinks he can sell ACR properties for. Well if he does sell for the listing price maybe he can afford to buy some new snowmaking equipment to replace the perfectly good system they dismantled and sold off, so we can at least get Big Tupper up and running like a real ski area(like it used to be).
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Re: ACR Developer Selling House, Giving up?

70s Gore Kid
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Syracuse, NY
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Re: ACR Developer Selling House, Giving up?

I heard their permit expired
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Re: ACR Developer Selling House, Giving up?

In reply to this post by endoftheline
Check out the articles in the Adirondack Daily Enterprise 2/16, 2/17, 2/19/13. Now we see the real reason the big developer is trying to sell his house, and his house in Florida and the Commercial property he has in Tupper Lake. Foreclosure is a real motivating factor in trying to sell a house. Good luck, he has it listed for $3.5M, it's assessed for less than $600,000. and he is being foreclosed on for over $700,000. He hasn't made a mortgage payment since June 2012 and hasn't paid his property and school taxes the last 2yrs(in arrears over $37000.) But somehow he got his federal tax lien paid off in Dec 2012 for over $500,000.? Not holding out much hope for Big Tupper, sad.
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Re: ACR Developer Selling House, Giving up?

Big Tupper = Lost ski area, sad but true.
The town would have to take it over or somebody like the guy who bought Hickory would have to step in and run it as a hobby.