ADK Backcountry, Finally!

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ADK Backcountry, Finally!

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Finally got to get out and ride some powder.  Took a total of 3 runs, wish we hadn't lost so much time in the bushwack to get to the slides, it was our first time to this area so we weren't expecting an easy approach.

The video pretty much sums it up.  We did not get first tracks, but we did get fresh tracks.  We didn't really expect first tracks seeing as folks had all weekend to ski the area.  Looked like there were 2 other people who skied these slides over the weekend.  

Next time we go we know which ascent to take, which should cut our origonal 2.5 hr tour in half, at least.  Rather than post pictures on here, I threw a couple in the video.

**The last few minutes of the video are just the set up, and break down of a splitboard.  I figured not everyone has seen them in action, and might find it interesting

Hoping to get into the high peaks next week, Drew has been posting some epic videos on  There have been avalanches in the High Peaks and also VT and NH over the last few days.

If you're going to go out, be careful.  Training, Beacon, Probe, Shovel, smart friends.  

Lets hope tomorrow's storm pans out.

With this forecast we might be back on the mountain bikes next week.
The day begins...  Your mountain awaits.
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Re: ADK Backcountry, Finally!

Way to get some bro!

Cool song too.  
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: ADK Backcountry, Finally!

NICE.  Thanks for sharing.  Pretty cool to see the split board in action.  Is it same length as your board would normally be or shorter?  How much faster/easier is it skinning on the split board vs. using snowshoes?
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Re: ADK Backcountry, Finally!

That board you see is a 172, pretty huge to most peoples standards.  I ride a 168 for my daily board.  I got the 172 because I mostly ride straight powder with the split (thats the point, right?).    If I could choose again, I would go with the 168, the camber of the board helps it float very well, the extra 4cm I think are over-kill.  I'm not complaining though!

Skinning is way easier than snowshowing, expecially when breaking trail.  It's also very nice not having to deal with snowshoes strapped to your back on you're descent.  I used to use snowshoes and would rather not go than have to deal with using them.
The day begins...  Your mountain awaits.
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Re: ADK Backcountry, Finally!

Is that Snowy?
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Re: ADK Backcountry, Finally!

Powderqueen wrote
Is that Snowy?
I'm going with Angel.
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Re: ADK Backcountry, Finally!

Nope, not on Wright. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm
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Re: ADK Backcountry, Finally!

Hey Chris.  My board is an older Ride Mountain 172 which is a beast so I am familiar with "giant" size boards.  My skis this year are actually 171s which I find kind of humorous that my board is longer than my skis.  I am a big dude with size 13 feet and it used to be the only way you could get a wide board was to go big.  Looking to get something a little smaller like a 168 or 165 in a wide version for next year.  What is your daily driver?   Surprised your splitboard is that long - it doesn't look it in the video.  Must be the perspective of the go pro and your height.  What brand is your split?
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Re: ADK Backcountry, Finally!

Adk Keith
Hope no one outs this location (again) on the Interweb. PM's only please.
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Re: ADK Backcountry, Finally!

In reply to this post by Danzilla
My daily board is a Rome Flag 168.  I've got 200+ days on it, and it's about 25% ptex patches.  I'll most likely be purchasing the Jones Flagship in a 168.  I'm 6'1, 230lbs.   I love high speed control and float of big boards, you wont catch me in the park so snow stuff is useless for me.  I've never agreed with the "long boards are too hard in the trees" argument.  
Go big or stay with the kiddies in the park!

My split is a Prior.  Liked to idea of being made close to home, they have lots of experience, and when you order a Prior you get to pic your topsheet and base.
The day begins...  Your mountain awaits.