ATTN: Marznc

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ATTN: Marznc

Massanutten in the Wheelhouse! We want pics!
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: ATTN: Marznc

Yes - post them here and the video too...
The family that skis together, stays together.
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Re: ATTN: Marznc

In reply to this post by Harvey
May have to wait until I get home for pics.  Having too much fun skiing VA powder.

I drove to Massanutten from NC on Thursday morning, long before the ice hit NC.  A friend from DC joined me for the long weekend, with her sister who lives in Charlottesville.  We've been having a very good time.  Talked to a couple fathers from Raleigh yesterday.  Since their kids had a snow/ice day, they starting driving north at 6am.  Made it to Mnut by noon, six hours instead of the usual four.