Adirondack Movie- Cold, I Am: Ballad of the Bark Eater

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Adirondack Movie- Cold, I Am: Ballad of the Bark Eater

"Cold, I Am: Ballad of the Bark Eater" is a feature film in the Adirondack Mountains during the early 1830s, a time of survival and of the early guides of the region. The film follows a young man named Able Jacob as he makes his way through the White North after leaving the city to be a mountain man.
This desire for solitude coupled with the animalistic rage set deep inside us all creates an unsettled mix within the boy who is suddenly thrust into the wilderness; under-clothed and without skill. He is robbed and shown only the darkest side of the region and soon finds himself questioning his purpose, why he was drawn to the wild, why we all are.
Over the course of his stay he finds new people, the scattered guides and trappers staying for the winter, Able learns quickly the merit of knowledge and the wisdom that experience can give. Able is shown the wonders of the North Country, not yet named the Adirondacks.
Soon however, Able is yet again thrust into a violent and harsh setting this time created by man. He is faced with the heart breaking and soul crushing realization of the awful things he has done and finds his need for atonement as well as respect for the beauty and wildness of the Adirondacks.

The day begins...  Your mountain awaits.
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Re: Adirondack Movie- Cold, I Am: Ballad of the Bark Eater

Where is this playing?
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Re: Adirondack Movie- Cold, I Am: Ballad of the Bark Eater

Thanks for the heads up on that.  I emailed the contact on their website about where the movie will play.  I will provide any info I receive.

Looks like a good flick 4sure!
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Adirondack Movie- Cold, I Am: Ballad of the Bark Eater

Banned User
In reply to this post by Chris
Cool, says I.