Advice for skiing after hip surgery

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Advice for skiing after hip surgery

So I found out why I wasnt skiing Hoyts, Cloudspin, the Slides, skyward, the glades, or much else as well as I would have liked last season....turns out that there was a hole in my femoral neck and several stress made turning right harder than it should have been.

In June, I had a titanium screw, bone cement, and a plate inserted and as soon as I was able,  i started to do PT...I can now do squats and walking lunges...have also been doing the sideways walk thing on the treadmill.   I see the surgeon today and hope to get the clearance to run.

with ski season 10 weeks away or so...I was looking for advice of what else I should be doing...

the thought of skiing the day after Thanksgiving, or maybe sooner, got me through the post surgical pain last june
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Re: Advice for skiing after hip surgery

I don't have any great advice, but I hope you have a great season and stay strong!

Have you been jogging or swimming? A nice, easy, and slow 3 mile jog can really loosen you up and show you if you have any issues to be concerned about before doing other sports.
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Re: Advice for skiing after hip surgery

Peter Minde
In reply to this post by Grillman
You haven't mentioned what sort of shape you were in prior to surgery, but that could have an impact on your activity level.  Ask the physical therapist what else you can do.  And when you start skiing, go easy.  Best wishes for a complete recovery.
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Re: Advice for skiing after hip surgery

i was in good shape before the surgery...skied 46 days last winter, was running 3-4 miles at a time several days a week, could do lots of squats and walking legs have lost some strength since the surgery but the pain is gone and i have better flexibility.
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Re: Advice for skiing after hip surgery

Peter Minde
Sounds like you were in pretty good condition and active before the surgery. As we haven't skied together, I'm hesitant to make recommendations online beyond following your therapist's or doctor's recommendations.  If they understand your prior activity level, they should be able to give you good guidance.

The one thing I would say, if you've become more flexible, strive to maintain flexibility.