Annapurna- does it ever open anymore

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Annapurna- does it ever open anymore

I've been thinking of hitting up Hunter, my old stomping grounds, but I NEVER see Anna open anymore on the reports. I can't imagine it is a snow issue this year, so what gives? Not that I'd stay on it all day, but a trip back to Hunter will require at least a couple of Anna runs.


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Re: Annapurna- does it ever open anymore

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Hunter overhypes their snowmaking so much.  They refuse to make snow on Annapurna yet they claim to have the best snowmaking out there.  There is no reason that they can't open Annapurna with nearly perfect snowmaking weather when Windham can get 100% open.  Windham was 100% open at one point every season I have known them, even the two worst seasons 06-07 and 11-12 they have managed to open all their terrain, even if only for a short period of time.  I've also had 3 rude employee incidents this year, so I'm considering switching to Windham.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: Annapurna- does it ever open anymore

Sno... do you know the reason Annapurna is not often open?
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Annapurna- does it ever open anymore

It takes a huge amount of snow...If they do blow it , they don't get a dime more revenue from it..
"Peace and Love"
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Re: Annapurna- does it ever open anymore

So, do they EVER open it any more?
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Re: Annapurna- does it ever open anymore

No, they never open it, yet they advertised it as one of the best bump runs in the east.  Last time they made any snow on it was 10-11.  They don't really make a decent effort to keep 44/Westway either.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: Annapurna- does it ever open anymore

They had what definitely looked like enough cover to open it this Sunday.  Tons of people poached it.  When I asked ski patrol if it would open since it looked like it had enough snow, he started yelling at me as if I wanted to duck the rope.  This guy went into how if I got hurt, I would get my pass pulled permanently and how I'd get turned over to law enforcement for trespassing and reckless endangerment.  He did not let up until my dad stepped in saying I wasn't going to duck the rope.  I almost wanted to poach it just because of how much he overreacted.  Seriously this pissed me off enough that my whole afternoon was soured.

Don't expect to ski Annapurna at all.  Don't think about poaching it cause they'll turn you over to law enforcement.  Just go to Windham instead where there are no ropes up to duck since they are 100% open.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: Annapurna- does it ever open anymore

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In reply to this post by snoloco

I've had a few good days there this year. The steep part is rocky so you need to proceed with caution. ITo probably skiable still.
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Re: Annapurna- does it ever open anymore

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Re: Annapurna- does it ever open anymore

When I was a Hunter regular, pre-2000, they use to blow snow on Annapurna every year and not on 44. It is one of Hunter's best trails...too bad.

There's truth that lives
And truth that dies
I don't know which
So never mind - Leonard Cohen
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Re: Annapurna- does it ever open anymore

In reply to this post by snoloco
snoloco wrote
This guy went into how if I got hurt, I would get my pass pulled permanently and how I'd get turned over to law enforcement for trespassing and reckless endangerment.  He did not let up until my dad stepped in saying I wasn't going to duck the rope.  I almost wanted to poach it just because of how much he overreacted.  Seriously this pissed me off enough that my whole afternoon was soured.

Don't expect to ski Annapurna at all.  Don't think about poaching it cause they'll turn you over to law enforcement.  Just go to Windham instead where there are no ropes up to duck since they are 100% open.
That is serious BS about trespassing and terrible customer service. Now both you and your Dad are contemplating getting a pass at Windham because of the way you were treated. Plus you'll tell other skiers and you've posted it on social media which may have an affect on others not choosing Hunter.  
There's truth that lives
And truth that dies
I don't know which
So never mind - Leonard Cohen
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Re: Annapurna- does it ever open anymore

Agreed- wasn't a trail I'd spend all day on but back in the day it was a required part of the day at Hunter... and it used to be open all the time in the 80s-90s.

Thx everyone for the replies.

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Re: Annapurna- does it ever open anymore

Love your avatar! I learned to ski on Olin Mark IV's...Great ski!
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Re: Annapurna- It Does Open

In reply to this post by Harvey
Harvey wrote
Sno... do you know the reason Annapurna is not often open?
I do know the reason why Annapurna didn't open in previous years.  It wasn't a bias on ski patrol's part.  They skied many runs on that trail when it was first open.  It wasn't insurance issues either, because they didn't have large numbers of injuries on that trail.  According to a ski instructor I was on the lift with, it all came down to personal preferences by management.  After Izzy and Orville died, David Slutzsky was controlling operations.  He hated that trail, couldn't ski it, and would not blow snow on it in a million years, much less do it out of his own (very deep) pocket.  It didn't matter if many of their customers loved that trail, he didn't like it and it wasn't going to open if he was controlling operations.  Another reason he had for not opening it is that you couldn't see other people skiing it while on the lift, which is why 44 was half-assed instead of a full opening of Annapurna.

When the Slutzskys sold the mountain and retired, these preferences went out with them.  It made a huge difference.  That trail has wall to wall coverage and plenty of snow to last till spring.  They may even blow more snow on it with the upcoming cold spell.  It also is frequently groomed.  The Zephyr Express actually had a line last time I was there because Clair's and Annapurna were in such great condition.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: Annapurna- It Does Open

Sno..Don't know if your assessment on why they didn't open Purna more often is correct or not..But I do agree with you , that they are treating the West side with more love..
Regular grooming has help out , this has cut down on the boiler plate and has made that side more fun..
"Peace and Love"
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Re: Annapurna- It Does Open

Read somewhere else that their intention in doing the two lift upgrades and getting all the new snow guns making the mountain easier to sell.  Not sure if this is true, but a mountain will sell quicker and for more if the new owner doesn't have to drop 10 million on lift upgrades right out of the gate.

It makes all the sense in the world to improve conditions on the west side and encourage more people to use it.  Wayout got widened this past summer and skis great in its new form.  They removed the choke points from it.

I remember JasonWx saying that they don't make any extra money if it opens.  That might be true initially, but it does improve the skiing experience, which can raise profit margins in the future.  At first I was thinking no way in hell it was opening this year because they didn't get open till almost January.  I was pleasantly surprised.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: Annapurna- It Does Open

Hah you almost make me want to go to hunter except I know what an icy clusterfuck it is usually! I save that mountain for the weekdays.... I heard Platty finally got some natural recently....
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Re: Annapurna- does it ever open anymore

Ethan Snow
In reply to this post by snoloco
44 takes a lot more Snow than Purna.  I might be wrong, but I thought they opened Annapurna this season? I saw something on FB about it.
I'll take boilerplate ice over wet snow any day
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Re: Annapurna- It Does Open

Ethan Snow
In reply to this post by skunkape
Platty is in great shape right now. Everone should go.
I'll take boilerplate ice over wet snow any day
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Re: Annapurna- It Does Open

There's a reason Hunter has all the snowmaking.  Many times Platty gets a foot and Hunter gets an inch.  Lowest snowfall in the Catskills.  

Annapurna did not open last year.  I got yelled at for asking if it was open.  The only noticeable change now that Peak Resorts owns it is more snowmaking and grooming on the West Side.  They opened Annapurna and they groom it on a regular basis.
I've lived in New York my entire life.