Another ski lift incident, this one at Willard

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Another ski lift incident, this one at Willard

Adk Jeff
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Re: Another ski lift incident, this one at Willard

Looks like a good ending.  I always shudder when I see teens ride the lift all the way up without dropping the safety bar, it's amazing we don't see a lot more falls from the lifts.  "Be careful out there".
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Re: Another ski lift incident, this one at Willard

It might just be me and the Ski Lifts I have been on, but it seems like the older lifts all have a slight lean forward to them. Not so drastic that if you're not holding on you're going to slip out immediately, but noticeable if you're paying attention. Now I certainly cannot say that about all Resorts, as I've only been to three different ones, all on the East Coast, but take Greek Peak for example. If you go on the Alpha/Bunny Slope lift you can notice a slight forward lean and same can be said about Odyssey's lift. Not at knock at Greek Peak, or any other resort for that matter, but just seems to me that if someone small enough was not holding on, different have the bar down, or was fooling around, they could slip right out of it.\

Maybe I just weigh too much and bring the lift down a bit  . Either way, sad story indeed.
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Re: Another ski lift incident, this one at Willard

Banned User
In reply to this post by Lateski
Lateski wrote
Looks like a good ending.  I always shudder when I see teens ride the lift all the way up without dropping the safety bar, it's amazing we don't see a lot more falls from the lifts.  "Be careful out there".
Yep. Seems to me when a chair passes over the bogey wheels the bump bump bump of it could jostle some forward. If they were already close to the edge it may be enough to cause a fall.
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Re: Another ski lift incident, this one at Willard

This was on the morning news here ----Ugh
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Re: Another ski lift incident, this one at Willard

Adk Jeff
Post-Star this morning reports the child is in fair condition, so that's encouraging.