Any Catskills suggestions for this weekend?

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Any Catskills suggestions for this weekend?

Going skiing on the 17th..after the storm coming through tonight through tomorrow, any idea who will still have the most open with best conditions? My options are Belle, Platty or Windham..

With that being said, I'm meeting a friend at the Sheraton to drive up..first time I've done it, so are there suggestions on where in that lot to park? ANDD anyone wanna meet us?!

Ready, set..go!
*~It is better to go skiing and think of God, than go to church and think of sport.~*  -Fridtjof Nansen
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Re: Any Catskills suggestions for this weekend?

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Hunter, they will have the most opened after the rains..
"Peace and Love"
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Re: Any Catskills suggestions for this weekend?

In reply to this post by jimvdak
X can give better direx than I but the Sheraton is off exit 66 on 287 North.  Not sure how to get there from 17.  It's a pretty bizarre place. Follow the signs for the hotel, through the traffic light, go counter clockwise around the circle. Park anywhere. The lot is very weird and has many different parts to it. Use your phone to find the peeps you are meeting.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Any Catskills suggestions for this weekend?

Just stay in the right lane on 17, there are plenty of signs for the Sheraton..
"Peace and Love"