Anybody going to Killington on Sun. 4/28?

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Anybody going to Killington on Sun. 4/28?

Big D
Just wondering if anyone is going to be at Killington on Sun. 4/28 as Cornhead and I will be there. We are getting $31. lift tic's from Liftopia and are leaving, Binghamton at 4:00 am. Supposed to be warm and sunny. Spring Skiing is HOT!!
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Re: Anybody going to Killington on Sun. 4/28?

Big D
Pic from Basin Ski report from Friday 4/26 of Superstar trail
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Re: Anybody going to Killington on Sun. 4/28?

Looks fantastic. Have a great time.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Anybody going to Killington on Sun. 4/28?

In reply to this post by Big D
Went last Sunday mid-winter conditions early.  More trails open than when I was last there the beginning of December.  I happened to  park next to a group that drove up from Binghamton last Sunday.  Couldn't be you guys?  Enjoy!
11/25, 1/28, 4/6 Okemo; 12/03, 3/4, 4/7 Stratton; 12/10 - Skiing Santas, 1/15, 3/10 Whiteface; 12/22, 3/3 Gore; 12/26 Snow Ridge; 12/28 Stratton; 1/20 Mt Sunapee; 1/21 Pico; 2/3 Killington; 2/7, 3/7 Windham; 2/16 Eldora; 2/17, 2/18, 2/20 Winter Park; 2/19 Steamboat; 2/21 Copper; 3/11 Jiminy Peak; 3/17 Bromley; 3/25, 4/8 Belleayre; 3/31 Hunter
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Re: Anybody going to Killington on Sun. 4/28?

I was there Thursday. Great! It's basically Superstar and a couple other trails off the S'star lift. Cascade was opened mid-day, but the runout was nearly bare and required walking or rock skis. Otherwise, though, it was well-covered. I loved the midweek "world pass" deal: $24.50. Killington for $25! The weekend rate is good, too, though. Hey, maybe somebody could pick up a black L.L. Bean fleece jacket I left in a cubby in the lodge. Details later if you're able.
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Re: Anybody going to Killington on Sun. 4/28?

David wrote
I was there Thursday. Great! It's basically Superstar and a couple other trails off the S'star lift. Cascade was opened mid-day, but the runout was nearly bare and required walking or rock skis. Otherwise, though, it was well-covered. I loved the midweek "world pass" deal: $24.50. Killington for $25! The weekend rate is good, too, though. Hey, maybe somebody could pick up a black L.L. Bean fleece jacket I left in a cubby in the lodge. Details later if you're able.
K1 Lodge? I can check with lost and found, where do you live?
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Re: Anybody going to Killington on Sun. 4/28?

where's the snow
Might have been me and some friends you were parked next to. I was there last Sunday :)
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Re: Anybody going to Killington on Sun. 4/28?

just got back. great spring day. everything was nice and soft. basically what you would expect on 55* blue bird day
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Re: Anybody going to Killington on Sun. 4/28?

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In reply to this post by David
David wrote
I was there Thursday. Great! It's basically Superstar and a couple other trails off the S'star lift. Cascade was opened mid-day, but the runout was nearly bare and required walking or rock skis. Otherwise, though, it was well-covered. I loved the midweek "world pass" deal: $24.50. Killington for $25! The weekend rate is good, too, though. Hey, maybe somebody could pick up a black L.L. Bean fleece jacket I left in a cubby in the lodge. Details later if you're able.
Sorry, had the girl check the lost and found box at the K1 Lodge, nada. I looked in the cubby holes and didn't see anything, maybe someone picked it up. Might be worth dropping them a line, maybe you could pick it up next year if it shows up.

Condor wrote
just got back. great spring day. everything was nice and soft. basically what you would expect on 55* blue bird day
55°? More like 70°, awesome day, figgin looong day, left Binghamton at 4 AM, returned at 10 PM, skied bell to bell with a half hour break for lunch, now that I'm back to work, I can rest!