Approaching Normal Movie shot at Garnet Hill Lodge

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Approaching Normal Movie shot at Garnet Hill Lodge

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Just saw this on the Garnet Hill website.  Pretty cool that they shot the entire thing there. Anyone here in the movie or know anything about it?

(embedded- H)
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Re: Approaching Normal Movie shot at Garnet Hill Lodge

Thanks will be watching it BC of this.     I spent some time in a adk chair where the shots are.
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Re: Approaching Normal Movie shot at Garnet Hill Lodge

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In reply to this post by Danzilla
Embedded the vid.

Soo cool to see a place that you know in a film. Garnet Hill and 13th Lake are gorgeous.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Approaching Normal Movie shot at Garnet Hill Lodge

It looks like it could actually be good, too. It's a shame I never would have heard about this film without the local connection. Either way, awesome.