Attention airplane enthusiasts

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Attention airplane enthusiasts

Saw this on another forum... might try to get in position to see it go by. US navy, USAF and RAF flight demonstration teams all together- might be cool.

"You want your skis? Go get 'em!" -W. Miller
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Re: Attention airplane enthusiasts

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I'm in Nyack..I will be down by the river.. nothing sounds better then fighter jets

one of my daughter's close friends is a Hornet driver..
"Peace and Love"
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Re: Attention airplane enthusiasts

In reply to this post by Brownski
That's going to be really cool

I saw the Blue Angels as a kid and have never forgotten it. Just incredible display of power and timing.
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Re: Attention airplane enthusiasts

In reply to this post by Brownski
I had to go to work but I got the boys moving before I left. They still got to Nyack beach too late to catch the southbound leg but saw the northbound part. They said the planes were too high to tell them apart but it was really loud
"You want your skis? Go get 'em!" -W. Miller
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Re: Attention airplane enthusiasts

i missed it...
"Peace and Love"
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Re: Attention airplane enthusiasts

In reply to this post by JasonWx
JasonWx wrote
I'm in Nyack..I will be down by the river.. nothing sounds better then fighter jets

one of my daughter's close friends is a Hornet driver..
AMC's usually rust out.  How is your daughter's friends car?  ;)
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Re: Attention airplane enthusiasts

Marcski wrote
JasonWx wrote
I'm in Nyack..I will be down by the river.. nothing sounds better then fighter jets

one of my daughter's close friends is a Hornet driver..
AMC's usually rust out.  How is your daughter's friends car?  ;)
that's a good one.. his is made of aluminum and titanium

in the 70's my friend had amc hornet..piece of crap
"Peace and Love"