Avalanche Pass ski trail from adk loj?

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Avalanche Pass ski trail from adk loj?

Anyone done it or know current snow conditions? Thinking about a hike and ski or just hike depending on the conditions sunday. we'd need to rent snowshoes, someone mentioned they rent them right at the loj? i assume the xcd setup would work well? thanks for any info
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Re: Avalanche Pass ski trail from adk loj?

Xcountry skis with metal edges will be a much more enjoyable wasy to got there.  Its covered and we have been getting fluuries all week.  Two inches covered the trail after work last night.  

If you decide to walk in you wont need snow shoes.  Just some traction control on the bottom of your shoes.
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Re: Avalanche Pass ski trail from adk loj?

cool thanks!
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Re: Avalanche Pass ski trail from adk loj?

Noah John
Please don't walk up to Avalanche Pass without snowshoes.  You'll be yelled at and perhaps turned around by any ranger that sees you and scorned by many skiers.  You will post-hole and degrade whatever skiing is happening up there.
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Re: Avalanche Pass ski trail from adk loj?

yea was thinking that. wasn't there a big hullaballoo about someone postholing the toll road awhile back?
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Re: Avalanche Pass ski trail from adk loj?

Yeah there was and Noah is correct.   however you really can't post hole on that trail right now. I ran up it in spikes Monday. You would need an ice auger and that will only get you down 6 inches to the dirt.
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Re: Avalanche Pass ski trail from adk loj?

In reply to this post by gorgonzola
def need snowshoes.  over 8-inches of snow base, its a NYS DEC regulation - and w/ good reason.

posting holing a ski trail is unsafe, uncool and just unacceptable....

I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Avalanche Pass ski trail from adk loj?

Adk Jeff
In reply to this post by gorgonzola
Current conditions for Avalanche Pass and other ski tours in the Lake Placid area.  Bookmark the site, it is updated for current conditions frequently during the winter:


As noted above, the extreme shadowing resulted in only 4" of new snow last week ad ADK Loj.  Hiking trail not really skiable, so the truck trail is definitely the best ski approach to Marcy Dam.  Even so, some rocks still showing - especially on one corner not quite a mile from the register.  Still some rocks to dodge from Marcy Dam to Avalanche Camp, but after that Avalanche Pass is in good shape.  Still some rough spots between Avalanche Lake and Lake Colden...
Skis and snowshoes definitely required in the High Peaks Wilderness Area and needed elsewhere...  

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Re: Avalanche Pass ski trail from adk loj?

In reply to this post by ScottyJack
One of my favorite skis!  As others have mentioned, skis or snowshoes please on ANY trail.  Nothing worse than postholes! If you ski, there is one section called misery mile where you would want to have skins, or switch to snowshoes..unless you are a beast like my man edwardo.