BC Boarding: Split Board vs MTNApproach

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BC Boarding: Split Board vs MTNApproach

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I know there aren't too many boarders here, but this is a pretty interesting article/ad and the comments are loaded with passion on both sides:


Would love to hear what boarders here think.


"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: BC Boarding: Split Board vs MTNApproach

Haven't been splitboarding myself so take this for what it is, just what I hear from those that do.

One of the better features of splitboarding is not having the board on your back. Same reason you see everyone take their board inside the gondola on windy days is the same reason you don't want one on your back, it just catches too much wind, like a sail working against you. Along with smashing them into overhead branches.

Carrying the board and the touring skis is more weight, the split is not. Though they say it weighs much less than a split, you still have to add in the board on your back vs riding with the split on your feet.

Most splitboards reattach more securely now and ride very much like a non split.

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Re: BC Boarding: Split Board vs MTNApproach

Telemark Dave
Right from the horses mouth.. The inventor of the Voile Splitboard.

"there is great chaos under heaven, and the situation is excellent" Disclaimer: Telemark Dave is a Hinterlandian. He is not from New York State, and in fact, doesn't even ski there very often. He is also obsessive-compulsive about Voile Charger BC's.
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Re: BC Boarding: Split Board vs MTNApproach

Those things do seem like they may be an improvement, but I'd just like to thank the universe right here for making me a skier.
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Re: BC Boarding: Split Board vs MTNApproach

I'm in the less is better camp. When you're on some windy 5 degree peak it's just one more thing to dick around with. Another piece of gear and another potential problem
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Re: BC Boarding: Split Board vs MTNApproach

In reply to this post by ml242
ml242 wrote
I'd just like to thank the universe right here for making me a skier.

I got Kramer's Jimmy Legs so tele is right for me.

Still, as skiers we've got to understand snowriders going to great lengths/effort to pursue passion.

Question for Chris or other boarders... is  the splitboard really a big performance compromise?  That assumption is what this product is based on.

"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: BC Boarding: Split Board vs MTNApproach

I ride with a few splitboarders here in Flag and from what I have been told there isn't a performance compromise in decent back country snow. I bet it's something you might notice on in bounds hard pack snow conditions but riding stuff like that isn't the goal when using a splitboard.
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Re: BC Boarding: Split Board vs MTNApproach

Several times in the HPs I have run into split boarders, they have no problem with the approach, the climb or the descent. It is odd to see a boarder ripping angel though.
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.