64er, the picture everyone is talking about is not a picture from Gore as I said earlier. It is from Killington. Here is another picture of that lift. Note the similar cabin and tower design. The cabins in the picture are orange, not red. Killington's original gondola was orange, Gore's was red.

Gore gondola towers look like this. The ones in the original picture have the structure narrowing down right up to the crossarm. The structure is also narrower to begin with. The Gore towers have the structure finish narrowing off several feet below the crossarm. The structure starts out much wider and narrows down much sharper. Notice this difference.

The Killington cabins look like this.

The original Gore cabins look like this.

Don't the cabins in the original picture look much more like the Killington one? I doesn't matter what everyone thinks, that lift is from Killington and I know that 100%. You're going to make yourselves look like fools talking about what location that is at Gore when it is actually Killington.
I've lived in New York my entire life.