Belleayre 12/3/12

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Belleayre 12/3/12

Belleayre was in good condition on opening Sturday with top to bottom skiing on Onteora and skiing mid station down on Mohawk and Wanatuska, so i threw my skis in the car and left for Belleayre again right after school on Monday. I got to the mountain right at noon and the trails looked to be in great shape even with the warm weather.

Looking up at the 7 from the lodge.

Looking down at Mid Station

The top of Onteora, the bumps were much better than the slick snow making whales on Saturday they were super soft and really easy to turn in.

Lower Onteora had some super soft corduroy on the sides the entire day that was fun to edge into.

The only bad spot was right here on Mohawk where the dirt was completely coming through the snow but you could easily go around it

Lower Wanatuska with side to side coverage all the way down to the lodge with a great base

The sun finally came out at 1:30 making for a nice warm ride up the lift, and a great view from the top, you can also see the snowmaking whales they laid down on Iroquois last week in an attempt to open more than the t bar for beginners.

I made my last run around 2:45 for my 5th day on snow, great skiing for the terrain that was open I have no complaints after last years terrible opening to the season.

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Re: Belleayre 12/3/12

I need to get up there for the next warm spell...Belleayre makes for some really good spring skiing.
*~It is better to go skiing and think of God, than go to church and think of sport.~*  -Fridtjof Nansen
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Re: Belleayre 12/3/12

In reply to this post by patchrick09
Five days nice!  Where?

Cover looks very good.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Belleayre 12/3/12

Harvey44 wrote
Five days nice!  Where?

Cover looks very good.
Well Harvey my first day I hiked Mohawk Mountain in CT November 7th or 8th when we had our first snow, then Nov. 11th I skied Killington, November 24th I skied at Jiminy Peak with a 29 dollar E-ticket which was well worth it, Belleayre on opening day then I skied belle again on Monday. Great way to start the season !