Belleayre: Dreamcatcher Glade

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Belleayre: Dreamcatcher Glade

Hey ya'll I had a chance to ride the new glade at Belle last weekend, kind of tight, but very wide and really long! The middle got kind of sketch because it hit a steep spot, and the trees were super tight, but a pack of kids came roaring through so I'm sure ya'll can handle it. If a 6'9" guy on a 172cm all mountain board can get through there, I'm sure any decent skier could too.

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Re: Belleayre: Dreamcatcher Glade

Do you know how many years Dreamcatcher glade has been on the "coming soon!" list?

Glad to see that they finally opened it.
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Re: Belleayre: Dreamcatcher Glade

I have only been riding Belle for 4 years, but already ORDA seems to have overcome any stagnation that was happening during the DEC era. Already we have seen: The ski3 pass, dreamcatcher, boardercross course, new Pisten Bullies, and while not as fast as Hunter, great snowmaking.  
I always saw people walking in there at various points, but yes it is good that it is official now. next up: Highmount, and then that side of the mountain will be better than the superchief side (it kind of is already except the lift is slow).
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Re: Belleayre: Dreamcatcher Glade

skunkape wrote
 next up: Highmount, and then that side of the mountain will be better than the superchief side (it kind of is already except the lift is slow).
The Tomahawk lift only covers 950 verts so having a HSQ there isn't completely necessary IMO. Obviously, Highmount would be a huge win, but unless I'm not aware of some big recent news, I wonder if that'll even get done in my lifetime.
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Re: Belleayre: Dreamcatcher Glade

I skied there two weeks ago for the first time and liked it quite a lot!  It was a weekend, so it was quite crowded!  I'll definitely try Dreamcatcher the next time I'm there!
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Re: Belleayre: Dreamcatcher Glade

Hey guys, I'm heading up to Belleayre Wednesday(2/18) on the I Love NY Ski Bus. If any of you guys will be there let me know. Hoping for some fresh snow and a good excuse to bring my wider skis. I'd rather not bring 2 pairs of skis up on the bus, but without a significant dump I'm afraid all the good stuff will be skied off by lunch... Forecast looks promising 😀
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Re: Belleayre: Dreamcatcher Glade

In reply to this post by skunkape
I felt bad for Belle today, this weekend should be one of there biggest money earners but the crowds didn't show,probably in anticipation of the high winds that never materialized.  We skied all day in near perfect conditions and skied on to every lift without waiting, it was great to ski lap after lap, but I know Belle needs those big paydays.  Dream catcher was closed when I went to ski it on the first run of the day, I'm sure I'll hit it next time around.
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Re: Belleayre: Dreamcatcher Glade

Glade Runner
Banned User
Wow you actually follow the signs?  Closed just increases the likelihood of first tracks.
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Re: Belleayre: Dreamcatcher Glade

I know, I know, I should have just blown right through that sign, safe and snug at home now I regret it.
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Re: Belleayre: Dreamcatcher Glade

Glade Runner
Banned User
That's ok, I haven't been there yet this year to ski it either.
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Re: Belleayre: Dreamcatcher Glade

In reply to this post by Glade Runner
Haven't been busted at Belle for doing this, but I find there is a soft rule there. If they have a trail closed sign with no rope completely closing it off, it seems to be more of a thin cover marking that other places would do. If they throw up the rope, they really want it closed.

PS: Hmm should I not say this?
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Re: Belleayre: Dreamcatcher Glade

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Efilnikufesin wrote
I find there is a soft rule there. If they have a trail closed sign with no rope completely closing it off, it seems to be more of a thin cover marking that other places would do. If they throw up the rope, they really want it closed.
This ^^ is my experience. During the Tony L years, he always wanted to make it boundary-to-boundary/ski-where-you-like, but couldn't for obvious state mumbo-jumbo concerns.

Efilnikufesin wrote
Hmm should I not say this?
For a number of reasons, Belle has been red-lined as a "not worth going there" place by most non-family skiers -- a Catskills version of Greek Peak! (go figure, I like GP) -- so no reason to worry about the trees getting raided. Until they annex Highmount and/or build a lift from Pine Hill to Cathedral Ridge, that ain't going to change.

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Re: Belleayre: Dreamcatcher Glade

In reply to this post by Jamesdeluxe
Jamesdeluxe wrote
skunkape wrote
 next up: Highmount, and then that side of the mountain will be better than the superchief side (it kind of is already except the lift is slow).
The Tomahawk lift only covers 950 verts so having a HSQ there isn't completely necessary IMO. Obviously, Highmount would be a huge win, but unless I'm not aware of some big recent news, I wonder if that'll even get done in my lifetime.
They have been approved for 74 million in improvements over 5 years (which has already begun), they upgraded some snowmaking and got 2 new pisten bullies. The plans I saw were to redo the upper parking lot, annex highmount, and recut trails so that there is a top to bottom trail, and a high speed from the very bottom to the top. We shall see!
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Re: Belleayre: Dreamcatcher Glade

In reply to this post by skunkape
I finally got in there yesterday and this glade is a great addition to Belle's terrain, spot on in your assessment Skunkape, it is tight and steep in places, but a lot of fun.  Conditions were perfect when I got in there yesterday, lots of powder and I only encountered one snow boarder, we both rejoiced in the beauty of this glade.  Unlike the other glades at Belle, this one has the feel of deep woods skiing.  One knock, the entrance off deer run trail is pitched back and if you don't rip right off the trail you kinda get stuck!
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Re: Belleayre: Dreamcatcher Glade

In reply to this post by Jamesdeluxe
Jamesdeluxe wrote
Efilnikufesin wrote
Hmm should I not say this?
For a number of reasons, Belle has been red-lined as a "not worth going there" place by most non-family skiers -- a Catskills version of Greek Peak! (go figure, I like GP) -- so no reason to worry about the trees getting raided. Until they annex Highmount and/or build a lift from Pine Hill to Cathedral Ridge, that ain't going to change.
I like Belle, sealed my deal on SKI3. Made the mistake of buying a pass a Windham last year for day trips, it bored the hell out of me after about 5 trips. I like Hunter's and Platte's terrain a lot, just don't enjoy the vibe at Hunter, and I tend to ride midweek all of the time ruling out Platte most of the time. Belle is also good for taking those less advanced with you and both of you having a great time, I can still dip in and out of trees, get a little bit of steep (a little bit,) and lay out some hard carves, etc. while being within sight or close to of those not looking to. Then I just head a bit farther north to Gore/WF when I have the time or energy.

I'm not thinking the trees will get raided, just don't want someone to get their panties in a bunch and throw more ropes up. Annexing Highmont would be sweet though :) Have heard about it for a while, maybe ORDA can make it happen?
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Re: Belleayre: Dreamcatcher Glade

Bosco DaSkia

Dreamcatcher is very interesting. As noted, there is a dip at the start of the run by the sign. However, you can drop in any where you want off the side trails. There are a couple of trails that cross the run also, allowing you to bypass the steeper sections if you are so inclined.  The top is well skied in, and fairly steep. Basically, a mogal run with trees.

After the steep part on the top, the trail widens out quite a bit. It's hardly skied in at all down here. There's still a lot of powder and untracked snow available.

They have these random signs scattered through the glade.

The best part of this Glade has to be this insane boulder to tree slide drop.

After that the gradiant mellows quite a bit, and the undergrowth is fairly thick.

End of the line. The exit back to the trail.

Fun run! Come on out and give it a try.