This post was updated on .
Pee I can tell you for sure that nobody is getting rich working for Orda. Many of us are professionals in other fields, retired military, etc. and work there because we love skiing. Orda has been cost cutting making us doing it for fun starting to question if it's really worth it. Many others work hard to support their families. Without the hard working staff that make snow, groom, run lifts etc the ski areas would not function. I won't even dignify your implication that everyone working there is on drugs with a response. It's the second of day of the month and you are already going to win the Troll of the month award.
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
Banned User
Uh, getting stoned then riding the snow shovels downhill.....
Coach, I don't think he meant vitually everyone, but I bet there's more stoners there than..... Supposedly the back of Gore's main building used to be 420 central. Then the popo got involved. Sorta changed things or caused a relocate ? No worries for Cheech, soon it will all be legal. Not sure how I feel about that. Any thoughts Benny ? |
We know what Side Benny is going to come down on that one.
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
Z - so your saying that there isn't a single employee anywhere within ORDA that would not make it in a privately held ski area and that no one has ever slipped behind the shop to grab a toke. That's pretty impressive.
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
shop to grab a toke.
Skiiers and snowboareds smoke mj more then average people that is a fact. He can believe wants he wants but I sure workers from ORDA have and given a chance I like to smoke with them.
In reply to this post by PeeTex
No you said you would not hire most of Orda workers. Could it happen sure but it could happen also at any private business as well. I've worked at Whiteface for 14 seasons and have never witnessed what you are claiming. You would be able to smell it on people and I have not experienced that either.
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
Z, put your reading glasses on, I said a lot, not most. You are certainly prone to exaggeration.
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
You said you would not hire a lot and would fire a whole bunch more. It's pretty easy to say that how you worded it would be half the work force. Sorry we don't meet your standards up here. Where exactly would all your staff come from if you were stupidly put in charge?
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
Banned User
Good point Z. Population is slim pickens up there. Maybe hit the North Pole and round up Santa's elves after the holiday ? Those little fellas work their beenies off. Rather jolly too. Must get it from the Big Guy. No need for weed in that more for the locals! Think he'ld keep you on ? |
In reply to this post by Z
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
In reply to this post by Snowballs
Is that different than the EB5 program? I'm confused, don't most areas get south americans? |
Yes they do because there are not enough locals to fill all the positions. At WF most are working for Centerplate but some also work in Ops.
If Pee were running things he would not have enough staff unless he imported some from his latest internet startup that he is going to make billions on.
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
In reply to this post by PeeTex
You think they dont smoke weed at private hills? HMM ever been to Stowe? Do you think there employees are better than ORDA's, I dont. Finding a ski hill where employees dont smoke weed would be impossible, does not mean everyone smokes...and a lot that do can probably do there job better than anyone on here can. To each there own.
In reply to this post by Z
Practicing your trolling skills again. Sorry, not gonna feed you on this one.
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
The OP's original posts make my eyes hurt.
funny like a clown