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Belleayre blowing snow to start December off right! Couldn't be lets hope they can keep it around for next weekend to open!

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*~It is better to go skiing and think of God, than go to church and think of sport.~*  -Fridtjof Nansen
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Re: Belleayre!

Bell can keep their 300vert run that they will open..If you noticed Hunter is still waiting..
"Peace and Love"
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Re: Belleayre!

With everything else 4+ hours away from me, I'll take the 300' vert. haha
*~It is better to go skiing and think of God, than go to church and think of sport.~*  -Fridtjof Nansen
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Re: Belleayre!

In reply to this post by JasonWx
JasonWx wrote
Bell can keep their 300vert run that they will open..If you noticed Hunter is still waiting..
At last night's NYS Ski Area event, a Hunter rep said that they will not be open this weekend.
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Re: Belleayre!

ausable skier
If Huntah doesn't think that its wise to blow snow and they are higher elevation than Bell it doesn't make much sense for Bell to waste the DEC's budget and make snow
A true measure of a person's intelligence is how much they agree with you.
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Re: Belleayre!

Big D
ausable skier wrote
If Huntah doesn't think that its wise to blow snow and they are higher elevation than Bell it doesn't make much sense for Bell to waste the DEC's budget and make snow
What is the problem? Hunter did make snow last night. Also Belleayre's upper half which is where they make snow to open is at a higher elevation and also does not face the sun as does Hunters front face does. It seems some people do not support New York State being in the ski business.
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Re: Belleayre!

Everyone is eager to get started, since I have a season pass at Belleayre, of course I want them to get it rolling. It is only a matter of time. Does this discussion happen every year?
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Re: Belleayre!

This post was updated on .
In reply to this post by ausable skier
ausable skier wrote
If Huntah doesn't think that its wise to blow snow and they are higher elevation than Bell it doesn't make much sense for Bell to waste the DEC's budget and make snow
Hunter has been blowing snow for 2 days now.
Hunter summit is 3200 feet above sea level and the base is 1600 feet above sea level. As mentioned, huge parts of Hunter face southeast.

Belleayre summit is 3325 feet above sea level, the mid mountain lodge is 2541 feet above sea level and the base
lodge is 2025 feet above sea level. For those who have not been to Bellayre - you can park your car at the midmountain lodge. All of Belleayre faces northeast.

The constant commentary about NYS ski areas using their snowmaking has become stale. Maybe since we all pay so much in NYS taxes we should all have a vote in how these places operate. The mountain managers could set up a poll on the web sites and we could all help run the mountains. I am pretty sure all of us are way better at running a ski area than the people who actually run the place.

I know all my years in outside sales makes me proficient in snowmaking operations.
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Re: Belleayre!

In reply to this post by skunkape
skunkape wrote
Does this discussion happen every year?
Yes. Yes it does. Every year.

I think Bell gets a kick out of it!

"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp