Best Ski apps

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Best Ski apps

Any suggetions on iPhone apps? I am just beginning to ski again after a 20 year hiatus (kids). Thanks.
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Re: Best Ski apps

Alpinereplay is pretty good. I use the free app and it works well...
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Re: Best Ski apps

ski tracks.

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Re: Best Ski apps

In reply to this post by richnchris
richnchris wrote
Any suggetions on iPhone apps? I am just beginning to ski again after a 20 year hiatus (kids). Thanks.
Just out of curiosity, what are you expecting from a skiing app?

What do you want it to do for you?
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Re: Best Ski apps

Face4Me wrote
Just out of curiosity, what are you expecting from a skiing app?

What do you want it to do for you?
My thoughts exactly.
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Re: Best Ski apps

I want to record my runs to see how i have improved, if i can actually improve.
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Re: Best Ski apps

richnchris wrote
I want to record my runs to see how i have improved, if i can actually improve.
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Re: Best Ski apps

In reply to this post by richnchris
richnchris wrote
I want to record my runs to see how i have improved, if i can actually improve.
Interestingly, as I was sitting on the gondola today at Gore, I overheard an old guy bragging to his friend about what a great app "Alpine Replay" is, so I was going to install it on my iphone, but completely forget about it. Until now, when I was reminded again by reading your question.
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Re: Best Ski apps

I am not positive about this so forgive me if I am wrong, but the timing of rich's joining the forum and the coincidence of me getting some email from an ski app company makes me think that rich isn't being completely honest with us.

If I'm correct rich is offering a "free" ski app.


Do you work for a company that produces a ski app?

If you are offering it to us for free, what is your business model - how does your company benefit? Does it serve advertising?

Again apologies if I am mistaken.  Within moments of both of your posts I got an email from someone named Rich from a ski app company, making me an offer for a free app.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Best Ski apps

Damn you Rich
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Re: Best Ski apps

tar and feather
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Re: Best Ski apps

lol...what app is he pushing?
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Re: Best Ski apps

The "I'm a jerk" app
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Re: Best Ski apps

In reply to this post by Chris
Chris wrote
tar and feather
I like the way U think
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Re: Best Ski apps

It only costs a "Shill"ing
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Re: Best Ski apps

Vail's Epic whatever card records all this type of stuff. Don't know of a universal generic equivalent though....
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Re: Best Ski apps

I use "Coach's Eye" ($4.99) to help teach patrollers to sharpen tele/alpine skills.  Works great.
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Re: Best Ski apps

HoliScott wrote
I use "Coach's Eye" ($4.99) to help teach patrollers to sharpen tele/alpine skills.  Works great.
This might be the first app I pay for.

I just watched a video of a guy using this app to evaluate his technique for an advanced kettlebell exercise. He used slo-mo, freeze and telestrator(!).
This app can make you feel like John Madden.
"They don't think it be like it is, but it do." Oscar Gamble
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Re: Best Ski apps

i just took a gander at that app. looks like it might help my feeble golf swing as well.