Big Air Dave - Ridiculous Crashes/Overshoots

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Big Air Dave - Ridiculous Crashes/Overshoots

Hey guys! I've put together a mini-series called Big Air Dave featuring some crazy overshoots and crashes. Hope you'll laugh:

Not quite sure how the embed will work so here's a link to the whole series:

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Re: Big Air Dave - Ridiculous Crashes/Overshoots

Banned User
Hey ! You're doing my best (and only) aerial move....... the windmill.
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Re: Big Air Dave - Ridiculous Crashes/Overshoots

Awesome. The forum needs you. Keep it coming.
I don't rip, I bomb.
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Re: Big Air Dave - Ridiculous Crashes/Overshoots

Benny Profane
Big Air Dave rules. He's BAD.
funny like a clown
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Re: Big Air Dave - Ridiculous Crashes/Overshoots

In reply to this post by BigAirDave
That is friggin hysterical ... I sure hope you have health insurance coverage!!!

It's easy to be against something ... It's hard to be for something!
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Re: Big Air Dave - Ridiculous Crashes/Overshoots

Entertaining but this guy will not make it thru a season at this rate.  Did you see where he barely didn't biff into a snow gun!  
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: Big Air Dave - Ridiculous Crashes/Overshoots

Hey Dave, I'm your fan!  Try pulling your knees up towards your chest after you launch. It will give you more stability, look better, and even help with the landing.