Brandon Gap 02.08.20

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Brandon Gap 02.08.20

Dropped mrs snobunski off at Pico and headed north 40 mins to Brandon gap for some BC. Tele Sundays have been training for BC/xcd and today was the first of hopefully many “real”  BC adventures. Set out in 10d and 6 or so fresh in a set skin track up No Name, never so hot and cold at the same time. Setup worked great although tele skilz were untested in boot+ pow in semi steep trees. Taking a rest about halfway down along the skin track I asked an fellow old tele dude skinning up with his dog if he had any tips and he replied, P turns, don’t try so hard. Adjusted the mindset and worked much better, I made some of the best turns of my life along with some of the worst scary oh shit moments over the two laps

Ayup, upside down backwards and sideways
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Re: Brandon Gap 02.08.20

Awesome job Gorgonzola. Looks way cool
"You want your skis? Go get 'em!" -W. Miller
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Re: Brandon Gap 02.08.20

In reply to this post by gorgonzola
gorgonzola wrote

"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Brandon Gap 02.08.20

Sick Bird Rider
Excellent work, Gorgonzola. Ole tele dudes always give sage advice .
Love Jay Peak? Hate Jay Peak? You might enjoy this: The Real Jay Peak Snow Report
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Re: Brandon Gap 02.08.20

Nice! I’ve been waiting to see someone on here get after that area.

If I had to move back out east these areas would probably become my primary ski destinations.
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Re: Brandon Gap 02.08.20

Drove through Brandon Gap on Thursday morning on way to Sugarbush . I've been wondering what the skiing is like. How steep ,how tight,is it easy to stay on trail?
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Re: Brandon Gap 02.08.20

MC2 5678F589
In reply to this post by gorgonzola
gorgonzola wrote
Dropped mrs snobunski off at Pico
PSIA Exam?
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Re: Brandon Gap 02.08.20

In reply to this post by professor
professor wrote
Drove through Brandon Gap on Thursday morning on way to Sugarbush . I've been wondering what the skiing is like. How steep ,how tight,is it easy to stay on trail?
Very well marked, really nice spacing and No Name was moderate pitch, next time I want to hit sunrise bowl

MC: L2 movement analysis clinic