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![]() He recently contacted us about wanting to do something to help communities in the Catskills hammered by Irene. He asked me if I knew of the MARK Project, as it seemed like a worthwhile organization to work with in the effort. While I was unfamiliar with the organization, Danielle Vajtay of Plattekill, gave it a rave review. I just received this flyer from Dave for Diamond's annual event: Brew n’ Chew IV will be held at the Diamond on Sunday, 9/18/11 from 3:00-5:00pm on Franklin Street in Greenpoint. Taste beer and food pairings from seven unique teams and vote for your favorite. Proceeds will be donated to hurricane relief efforts in the western Catskills through the MARK Project. Food, suds and fun for a cause.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
Looks good, putting it into my calendar now.
In reply to this post by Harvey
We have sold through about 1/3rd of the tickets and expect to start moving them very quickly over the next few days. This is probably the most fun event we do all year. If you like good food and good beer, it's going to blow you away! Thanks Harvey for posting!
Diamonddave - thanks for your support of the MARK Project and the Catskills. Plattekill will offer a free lift ticket to the person who posts the best picture with caption from Brew n' Chew IV at The Diamond. Post your picture in this thread! Laz and I will judge.
Thanks again everyone for your support - Danielle. |
Banned User
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Hope it all goes extremely well.
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I don't have any funny captions for these, but I had a great time at the Brew 'N' Chew. My expectations were really high and they were exceed in all categories. The beer was delicious, and the effort put into the food pairings by each of the teams made it really special.
![]() Have Alcohol / Need Friends table stayed pretty busy all day with the bacon waffles and kale they were serving up, and I really enjoyed the Rye beer, but my favorite "brewery" won. Electric Sheep were serving up Ginger Trippel paired with a chicken sausage stew served on a polenta cake. The flavor combo was just really clean and professional. I asked them where they brewed and he laughed and replied, "ummm, my basement." It might not have been kitchen stadium, but that just meant there was a cooler crowd. ![]() At the end DiamondDave got up on the Gore Gondola to announce the winner and to present an oversized check he had written out for the Mark Project. The total came to just under $2400, and I know that money is going to go to a good cause up there. ![]() After the ceremony, I headed over to help lighten the load of the teams so they wouldn't have to carry all that beer back to their cars. That volunteer spirit really catches on once people see how it easy it is, so I only got one more glass of the Trippel. Seriously though, thanks to Dave and The Diamond for hosting a great event for a great cause. I'm looking forward to version 5 and beyond! Also, there were so many people shooting, I hope that a few more end up here if anyone comes across some good ones. |
ml242 ... thanks a hell of a lot for that report. And thanks to diamonddave for his incredible generosity and community spirit.
I hope to get a chance to ski with ml242 and diamonddave, and anyone else who was there, at Plattekill this winter. It's going to take a long time to dig out in the Catskills, and maybe we can do some kind of followup beer tasting event up in Roxbury this winter. Thanks again to everyone who made this happen.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
Hi Guys!
Sorry I couldn't get on yesterday and post about the event. It was a ton of fun and we all had a great time. Thanks so much to Matt for taking these great pictures. Unfortunately, I did not snap any pics as I was busy running around and chatting with lots of friends and customers but there are some great ones at and So, unlike the last couple years, we did not quite sell out on this one but we got quite close...86 of 100 tickets sold. After giving the teams 10% of ticket sales to help them compensate costs, that left us with $2322 for the Mark Project. Oh yeah, and one of the teams donated close to $50 on top of making us all that great beer and food! Check is going out to the MARK project this week and will be earmarked specifically for hurricane relief. Cheers! Dave |
This is incredible.
HUGE Thank YOU to Dave of the Diamond Bar and all who attended "Brew & Chew" fundraiser last Sunday. Your generosity in choosing to help this region and supporting the event will definitely make a difference in people's lives here... again, thank you. Danielle |
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This is so totally super awesome. Love the love the sticks are getting from folks downstate. Thank you. THANK YOU.