Brooklyn Woman Dies Falling from D Lift at Hunter

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Re: Brooklyn Woman Dies Falling from D Lift at Hunter

PowderAssassin wrote
Marcski wrote
PowderAssassin wrote
Glade Runner wrote
That's terrible, they should ban chair lifts.
Look at how he doesn't even give a crap about this poor woman and makes some stupid statement. People on internet forums disgust me. And I'm called a troll. Maybe it's because I'm the only descent person.

Kind of funny how we just had a thread about putting down the safety bar and everyone called me bubble boy. Just another example of the importance of the safety bar
Multiple reports say the bar was down. Why don't you find out the facts before stuffing your foot in your mouth, again. Oh, and you are a troll.
So they should get rid of safety bars then? You don't think they decrease the likelihood of someone falling? Imbecile. There's a reason ski areas have them and it's the law to put them down in some states genius.

 Honestly the story makes no sense. It says she hit her skis on the lift tower. WTF? How does a full grown woman fall out of a chair by hitting her ski's on the lift tower with a safety bar down?????
What are you talking about? When did I ever say we should get rid of safety bars??  You're a clueless, hypocritical troll. You try and call Camp out for calling some kid a gaper for having a bankroll of lift tickets attached to his jacket but then you question and insult the victim in this tragic story by saying "What the fuck" "How does a grown woman fall from a chair..."  You are a fool and a troll and a waste of my time.  I'm taking the pledge!
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Re: Brooklyn Woman Dies Falling from D Lift at Hunter

In reply to this post by Z
Coach Z wrote
PowderAssassin wrote
Marcski wrote
PowderAssassin wrote
Glade Runner wrote
That's terrible, they should ban chair lifts.
Look at how he doesn't even give a crap about this poor woman and makes some stupid statement. People on internet forums disgust me. And I'm called a troll. Maybe it's because I'm the only descent person.

Kind of funny how we just had a thread about putting down the safety bar and everyone called me bubble boy. Just another example of the importance of the safety bar
Multiple reports say the bar was down. Why don't you find out the facts before stuffing your foot in your mouth, again. Oh, and you are a troll.
So they should get rid of safety bars then? You don't think they decrease the likelihood of someone falling? Imbecile. There's a reason ski areas have them and it's the law to put them down in some states genius.

 Honestly the story makes no sense. It says she hit her skis on the lift tower. WTF? How does a full grown woman fall out of a chair by hitting her ski's on the lift tower with a safety bar down?????
Either wind or she was turning around to look at something behind her chair
It is hard to make sense of the story, I agree. This was a 44 year old woman, so she was probably not horsing around. I can imagine that she was really unbalanced, if she was the only rider on a quad chair, so maybe something happened in a split second while she was not paying attention (as is so frequently the case these days, in the age of distracted living).

Either way, Glade Runner, your comment made you come off as a snarky asshole for sure. Can you just let it be about what it is about? Reality, people get hurt and die riding the mountain and riding the lift. My daughter always has an arm on the back of the chair until the very last second, nothing wrong with that. This woman left a daughter behind. Even if she decided to try and backflip off the chair it would be sad.
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Re: Brooklyn Woman Dies Falling from D Lift at Hunter

Glade Runner
Banned User
I would think the snarky asshole would be the one who used a tragic thread like this to call someone a name like that.
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Re: Brooklyn Woman Dies Falling from D Lift at Hunter

Yeah, thats pretty much what a snarky asshole would think and do.
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Re: Brooklyn Woman Dies Falling from D Lift at Hunter

Benny Profane
Kind of surprised this doesn't happen more at Hunter, considering the crowd in the bar at 11am.
funny like a clown
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Re: Brooklyn Woman Dies Falling from D Lift at Hunter

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In reply to this post by Marcski
Marcski wrote
What are you talking about? When did I ever say we should get rid of safety bars??  You're a clueless, hypocritical troll. You try and call Camp out for calling some kid a gaper for having a bankroll of lift tickets attached to his jacket but then you question and insult the victim in this tragic story by saying "What the fuck" "How does a grown woman fall from a chair..."  You are a fool and a troll and a waste of my time.  I'm taking the pledge!
You sound a little butt hurt? I think I hit the nail on the head with what I said and that's why you're all flustered.

Saying WTF doesn't insult the victim. I'm saying the story sounds REALLY strange.
14-15 Season:

11-22 Snow Ridge (opening day 35")          1-7 Snow Ridge (10")
11-28 Grand targhee                                  1-8 Telluride(12 inches)
11-30 jackson hole(10 inches)                      1-9 Whistler(12 inches)
                                                                  1-11 mt bactchelor(20 inches)
12-7 Vail(15 inches)                                      1-12 Mt baker(30 inches
12-10 Whistler(20 inches)
12-12 Whistler helisking(bottomless)
12-14 Big Sky(27 inches)
12-15 Mammoth(24 inches)
12-18 Kirkwood(50 inches)
12-21 Alta(37 inches)
12-22 Grand targhee(40 inches)
12-26 jackson hole(26 inches)
12-28 Chugatch backcountry(bottomless powder)
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Re: Brooklyn Woman Dies Falling from D Lift at Hunter

In reply to this post by Z
Coach Z wrote

Either wind or she was turning around to look at something behind her chair

This was what I was thinking. She was turned around, maybe talking to her husband or kids then her ski tip caught one of the ladder bars and it just spun her right off the chair. I know if I saw it coming I could grab the chair and tork my boot out of my binding but if you didn't it isn't hard to understand how it happened. They also said she was a "pretty good skier" which makes me think she wasn't very strong but I could be way off on that.
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Re: Brooklyn Woman Dies Falling from D Lift at Hunter

That's what I'm thinking RA.  If you didn't know it was happening right away...

I think falling is such a sad way to die. Best to her family/children.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Brooklyn Woman Dies Falling from D Lift at Hunter

Are the towers unusually close to the chair on the lift on which this happened?

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Re: Brooklyn Woman Dies Falling from D Lift at Hunter

billyymc wrote
Are the towers unusually close to the chair on the lift on which this happened?
Here's a pic of that lift:

Looks pretty close, and that loop around the pole is there for a reason. Also, there's no foot rest.

Reports are that she was on the chair alone and that the chair started to sway. Perhaps she was sitting on the side near the pole and and maybe also looking over her right shoulder. If the pole caught the inside of her right ski, I can see her being pulled right out of the chair before she could do anything about it.
"They don't think it be like it is, but it do." Oscar Gamble
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Re: Brooklyn Woman Dies Falling from D Lift at Hunter

Very sad indeed.  

While I know I have ridden this lift, I feel that skis hitting the pole almost have to be reached on purpose  to do so.  I am sure she was not attempting this or horsing around, maybe her poles hit it.   I will say that I have fallen asleep on some chairs too.   Late nights, long days, sun in my face, long chair ride alone.

For the rest of us....stay focused on lifts.  Its when we don't expect it that crap happens.    

I have been involved in one incident.   Caught a kid who slipped under the bar.  Grabbed his hood and pulled him back into the chair.  WOW that was scarey.  About 20 feet up.   He weighed about 50 pounds.  He was sitting back and in the "grab the back bar" position that I always demand of young kids.    However he saw his dad skiing below and got so excited he threw both hands at his dad..."hello daddy".    He went right under the bar.   I highly suggest young kids always ride with have to earn the ability to ride alone as far as I am concerned.   Just like teen drivers, the more young kids on a lift, the crazier they act.    An adult calms the scene.  

Last year at our mountain, Liberty:   You may find a Youtube video of a boarder hanging upside down.    The huge shoestrings caught a ski binding next to him.    The boarder when to get off at midstation, the chair kept climbing as it does, the boarder found himself upside down, hanging from his shoestring.   Quick action from the liftie  who stopped it and close by patrol.    His head  was only 7 feet off the ground.  They grabbed him and cut the string.     3 more seconds and he would have been 30 feet up.    

I see 2-3 pair of broken poles every weekend.   Skiers hanging poles vertically when mid-station approaches.    A pole can knock you right off the chair too.    
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Re: Brooklyn Woman Dies Falling from D Lift at Hunter

Banned User
Right. Don't let kids slouch on a chair. Hips back.
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Re: Brooklyn Woman Dies Falling from D Lift at Hunter

In reply to this post by Z
Coach Z wrote
Sorry to hear about the women at Hunter

To the issue Camp witnessed that is my biggest fear as a parent having some idiot that shouldn't be where they are turning into human missile and hitting my kid.  The parent that let there kid ski out of control should be charged with child endangerment.

With the recent weather affecting the snow everyone be careful out there it's pretty shecky in the afternoons.
I was wondering where the hell the parents were too. I don't have kids but I've watched my buddy's kids grow up, and watching that entire event unfold really shook me up a little. Honestly tho, I think it was a blessing in disguise that kids were involved as nobody got hurt too bad. If 2 adults would've collided at that speed there would've been ambulances involved.

Skied yesterday and just shook my head while riding that part of the lift.
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Re: Brooklyn Woman Dies Falling from D Lift at Hunter

In reply to this post by Spongeworthy
Spongeworthy wrote
When I first started skiing, a more experienced friend told me that if I was starting to speed out of control to just collapse and fall down instead of becoming a missile. A fall will hurt less than a collision. I told my kids the same thing when they started skiing. Does anybody preach that anymore?
This was my mantra when I first skied at 20. I had no lessons, and didn't really know how to turn. I approached skiing with a sleigh riding mentality. As soon as the trees on the edge of the trail looked real hard, I'd go down. Took a couple lessons, and I was off and running. Should I have done the lessons first? Hell, yeah. Did I have fun being clueless? Yep. Did I hurt anyone? Luckily no. I do remember skiing over someone's skis who was stopped sideways in the trail. All I could do was say "sorry" as I continued downhill. Thoughts and prayers to her family, tragic.