Camelback, PA 01/12/14

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Camelback, PA 01/12/14

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My son has a lesson every Sunday at Camelback, so I went along to see how much damage yesterday's deluge did. They closed at 11 am yesterday, first due to lightning and then the downpour. It's hard to believe that the 2+ inches of rain didn't take out any of the trails and may have actually improved conditions. On top of the boilerplate base was a nice bed of corn snow and if only it had been sunny, as originally forecast, it would have been even softer. I don't have anything interesting photo-wise, but I got in three hours of decent turns and it was quite a bit better than I had expected.

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Re: Camelback, PA 01/12/14

I skied Camelback once (at night) in college.  Looks a lot bigger than I remember.

Cool that it softened (or never froze). I was thinking that if the sun didn't come out it might be tough.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Camelback, PA 01/12/14

Wow..I guess a solid snowmaking base is bullet proof..
"Peace and Love"
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Re: Camelback, PA 01/12/14

BTW, that construction site in the Cliffhanger pic is where they're building a big slopeside hotel. Given the hugely popular summer water park in addition to their big winter business, it's hard to believe that it took them so long to build something like this.
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Re: Camelback, PA 01/12/14

Cliffhanger must be a lot steeper than it looks in that photo...double black diamond?
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Re: Camelback, PA 01/12/14

pro2860 wrote
Cliffhanger must be a lot steeper than it looks in that photo...double black diamond?
Kind of like all the new <> <>'s at Greek
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Re: Camelback, PA 01/12/14

Ok I guess that answers my question
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Re: Camelback, PA 01/12/14

Gunny J
In reply to this post by Jamesdeluxe
  Camelback makes a huge base on their slopes and it  almost always lasts into the first wk of April.  Its a fun spring skiing there in the sunshine. Lots of bikinis skiing there on the final weekends. I have not been there in Mid season in years. Indoor waterpark coming soon.
Want to spend special time with your children, teach them to ski or snowboard. The reward will be endless!