If you carry your camera on your chest...you better not fall forward!
Last week at Heavenly, we were just cruising the groomers and taking in the scenery. I decided to bring my big Camera. Here I am with Rochester Mark and Pammy

We stopped and clicked out of our skis to take in the view.

Then we clicked back in and took off down this trail.

Moments after I took that shot, I took two turns and my ski popped off, sending me forward, falling flat onto my camera. I had the wind totally knocked out of me. I saw my vacation flash before my eyes. My whole group had taken off, so I was on my own. I gasped for air and picked myself up. Got my ski which was 20' uphill from me, clicked into it and made it down one the trail with the most breathtaking panorama. Not that I needed anything more to take my breath away, I did appreciate it's beauty, as I was assessing my ability to ski.
I managed with ice, ibuprofen and arnica, but even 12 days later, I'm still a hurtin unit. I bruised my ribs, which makes laying down and sleeping very challenging. I also tore my superspinatus (rotator cuff tendon). I'm functional, but hurting.
The lesson is...don't ski with your camera on your chest.