Can you do this?

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Can you do this?

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Re: Can you do this?

"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Can you do this?

I been workin on my tool shed instead
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
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Re: Can you do this?

What does everyone do, if anything, to get/stay in shape?  

Yes, it may sound pathetic, but I walk (to/from Grand Central Terminal....yes I'm an urban/suburban  type.... to the office) 35 minutes a day.  I also play soccer twice a week.  Just finished two hours of running full field....hell of a workout.

I know we've talked about/given $hit to Loco about the virtues of being in shape, but it really does make a huge difference in your skiing.
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
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Re: Can you do this?

I really just work on my forearm, actually.
It really helps pole planting -- for jump turns n stuff.
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Re: Can you do this?

LOL T.  I did some ... pumpkin carving last night... yea that's it.

My "routine" is pretty wimp and irregular.  Fall: walking every day (to work, home for lunch, 45 mins after work), climbing gym on Sunday.  It's gets even lamer when the time changes.  Maybe some stationary bike, but man that is boring.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Can you do this?

warp daddy
Gym  3 days a week yr round , lite weights  but tradmills , roweres , universals , and various arm and leg devices .

 walking. Every day we walk 3 miles  play golf 3 days a week and this is really wimpy yard work , gardening  

But at 71 IF i plan to continue skiing , i have NO choice but to try and stay in shape after open  heart surgery 5 and and half yrs ago .  yeah its boring stuff but iam still on the right side of the grass
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.
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Re: Can you do this?

Multiple Hurricanes on a regular basis
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Re: Can you do this?

That's a DesLauriers girl in the video. That family was raised in Bolton and helped out considerably to open up the BC access up there. They were stars of mountaineering before it was a really a thing people knew about, both on WM films and guiding in Europe. I have no idea if this one is still based in VT (or if she's a daughter?) but it would cool to see. Most of the time, I simply don't picture skier girls that jacked. Forget about being strong to ski, it looks like she could fight crime part time on the side.
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Re: Can you do this?

It hurt my knees just watching those lunges with weights.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Can you do this?

Peter Minde
Training.... let's see.  Three days a week of easy aerobic training; one day working lactic threshold and one day working VO2 max.  One day of strength training.  In an ideal world I'd do a 7th workout just doing the physical therapy stuff.

Those lunges, I would do them at a much slower tempo.  You could also do them with the bar in front.

As for the squat jumps with 130 lb on the bar.  They might be effective, but NFW am I doing that now.  Maybe in my 20s, but not now.
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Re: Can you do this?

Adk Jeff
Running 3x per week, 4 miles at 7:45 pace.
Mtb 2x per week.
Usually a hike or longer trail run or mtb ride on the weekend.
And lifting every night, 12 oz reps.
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Re: Can you do this?

Banned User
Adk Jeff wrote
And lifting every night, 12 oz reps.
Snicker !
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Re: Can you do this?

Cycling (cross, road, trainer) - 4- 5 times per week 1.5-2 hours per night
Running - Last month it was 4 per week now its down to 1 to 2
Need to add some plyometrics.

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Re: Can you do this?

In reply to this post by Adk Jeff
Adk Jeff wrote
And lifting every night, 12 oz reps.
Heart Healthy
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Re: Can you do this?

I've found that squats/leg press really helps for ski season.

I do weight training 2x per week and 50-75 miles a week on the bike until it gets too cold.
