This report is almost comical. The use Richmond as one of the weather stations to try to predict snowfall at ski area, they then show the data that shows that there is only a very weak correlation (R<0.5) which means it is mostly noise, they then state that there is little correlation and then instead of throwing out the data they continue to try to use it which just adds noise to their conclusions.
This map shows the snow pack during a good snow year and after a nice 2 day 20" dump. As you can see, the ski area is right on the snow line and has significantly more snow than Richmond. You can go through the historical data and see that this is consistently the case. The Northern exposure should allow them to hold the snow pack much longer.

Again - I think the draw here will be access to the wilderness area. I do think they will be short on natural compared to Alta or Solitude but they will certainly have a lot of very good days.
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.