I’m gonna have to work on this idea some more. I originally thought of this when I pulled up to what I thought was a typical moose jam on the park road but I couldn’t see any animals so I asked one of the tourists what they were looking at, hoping there was maybe a bear off in the distance that I wasn’t picking up. One of them told me there was a caribou down in a stream bed so I got out and looked. It was actually a Dalls sheep (which is much cooler then a caribou) but it was running away so all you could see was it’s hindquarters and the back of its head. Another time I had two Germans out on a half day ride and we saw a wolverine, which was a big score for me. That’s probably the rarest wildlife sighting on my lifetime list but the German couple had no idea cause all they saw was some brownish hair running away in a blur. I feel like this could be a useful guide as well as being good for a laugh at a dinner party.
Maybe not. I guess if you’re explaining you’re losing...
"You want your skis? Go get 'em!" -W. Miller