Cold Weather Skiing

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Cold Weather Skiing


Five total layers top and bottom, had me feeling a little...Randy, yeah baby. "I can't get my arms down." Felt comfortable all day, mittens, Balaclava, Mad Bomber hat. Even my feet stayed warm, 0° at opening.
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Re: Cold Weather Skiing

Who's skiing this weekend?  I'm taking the girls to Gore.  I told Zelda that Saturday's high in North Creek was going to be 10-15 degrees warmer then today...

"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Cold Weather Skiing

I'm skiing---may even have to put my long undies on
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Re: Cold Weather Skiing

will be dressed like an astronaut  hey harv i'll be at gore as well this weekend, hope do a few runs with ya
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Re: Cold Weather Skiing

In reply to this post by campgottagopee
campgottagopee wrote
I'm skiing---may even have to put my long undies on
You and I both have plenty of "natural" insulation.
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Re: Cold Weather Skiing

In reply to this post by Harvey
I'll be skiing this weekend. But not sure I'll be ambitious enough to get out really early.  I'm going to bring the snowshoes in case it's too windy, but I think it will be OK. The weather should keep the crowds down.

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Re: Cold Weather Skiing

TomCat wrote
I'll be skiing this weekend. But not sure I'll be ambitious enough to get out really early.  I'm going to bring the snowshoes in case it's too windy, but I think it will be OK. The weather should keep the crowds down.

Sure did yesterday, Greek was deserted, groomers stayed groomed all day, gotta love it!
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Re: Cold Weather Skiing

MC2 5678F589
In reply to this post by Harvey
Harvey44 wrote
Who's skiing this weekend?  I'm taking the girls to Gore.  I told Zelda that Saturday's high in North Creek was going to be 10-15 degrees warmer then today...

I'll be there.

I was at West last night and Tuesday night, and it didn't really feel that cold (even though temps were in the low single digits and the wind was blowing). I even forgot my ski socks last night and just wore regular cotton.
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Re: Cold Weather Skiing

In reply to this post by Cornhead
Cornhead wrote
campgottagopee wrote
I'm skiing---may even have to put my long undies on
You and I both have plenty of "natural" insulation.

Bought and paid for too dammmmmit
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Re: Cold Weather Skiing

warp daddy
Me and 3 buddies will be out too, we got this cold weather thing all figured out sheeeit been doin Tremblant for years and THIS little. Jr varsity cold snap pales by comparison  
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.
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Re: Cold Weather Skiing

I'll be at Gore. Sat is a work day on the mountain, Sunday I will be working the NYSEF race at the bottom of Twister - a Kombi. If your around hopefully I'll recognize you, i only think I met you once in the Gondi with your daughter early in the season.

Daughter trained at Willard Wed night, said it was cold but may have made a speed breakthrough. We will see on Sun.
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Re: Cold Weather Skiing

I'll be at Gore on Sat from opening until... not sure. Probably noon or one.

It will be Neve and me. Outside shot for Zelda.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Cold Weather Skiing

Harvey44 wrote
I'll be at Gore on Sat from opening until... not sure. Probably noon or one.

It will be Neve and me. Outside shot for Zelda.
I'll keep an eye out for you and Neve, should be pulling up to the Gondi right around 8. Second round should be about opening.
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Re: Cold Weather Skiing

Gunny J
  I was out Sat little shock to the body went from 88 degress Fri to 10 degrees on Sat  
Want to spend special time with your children, teach them to ski or snowboard. The reward will be endless!
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Re: Cold Weather Skiing

Peter Minde
High of 9 F at Mount van Ho on Saturday.  -3 at 7 AM.  Unknown what the summit of Whiteface was like, must have been brutal.
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Re: Cold Weather Skiing

Summit of WF Sat am was actually warmer than the base, lucky inversion. That said it was right around 0 up top but the little wind was blowing down Skyward not in your face. Upper Sky was good, Lower Sky with the fresh manmade was probably the best its been in years. Skiers left was a blast.
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Re: Cold Weather Skiing

I would not consider the weekend weather brutally cold.  Was out all day Say and most of the day Sunday.  I had exposed spots on my face and no bite.  Today walking out to 13 degrees felt like a heat wave.

I think it has to be -20 or below to qualify for brutal cold.