Cool Hunter Mountain Video

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Cool Hunter Mountain Video

Came across this cool, short video from Hunter. Check it out:

"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Cool Hunter Mountain Video

I've only been to Hunter once maybe 20 years ago. Watching that doesn't make me want to go back.  Looks like an ant farm on snow..Ants Marching...
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In the spirit of RSN

In the spirit of RSN....

check out that snowboarder @ :18 seconds in, just plopped in the blind spot w/ his back facing uphill.....    
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: In the spirit of RSN

ScottyJack wrote
In the spirit of RSN....

check out that snowboarder @ :18 seconds in, just plopped in the blind spot w/ his back facing uphill.....
He's off to the side of the trail..  At the entrance to a trail...
It's not a blind spot and he's probably waiting for his turn...  I'd be more concerned with the skiers standing in the middle of the trail..
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Re: In the spirit of RSN

Yeah it's a crazy place , but it's one of my favorites..

how can not enjoy skiing with the LI and Staten Island crowd all dressed up in there favorite NFL jackets..
"Peace and Love"
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Re: In the spirit of RSN

In reply to this post by dmc_hunter
dmc_hunter wrote
ScottyJack wrote
In the spirit of RSN....

check out that snowboarder @ :18 seconds in, just plopped in the blind spot w/ his back facing uphill.....
He's off to the side of the trail..  At the entrance to a trail...
It's not a blind spot and he's probably waiting for his turn...  I'd be more concerned with the ewok standing in the middle of the trail..
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Cool Hunter Mountain VIdeo

Benny Profane
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Hey, that's pretty cool. Where's you find that,Harvey? On their site? Are they using it a lot? Looks like they maybe sponsored it, or enabled it with camera positions. Very unusual. Too bad the snow is so thin.
funny like a clown
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Re: Cool Hunter Mountain VIdeo

Trista from Hunter sent it to me. She liked it and thought we might too.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Cool Hunter Mountain VIdeo

I like it. The focus makes everything look like it is a model. It is a cool technique.