Corn season is coming

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Corn season is coming

The long term forecast for Whiteface looks like Corn season will soon be here.

Personally I'm a big fan of corn snow skiing.  I love the creamy feel of perfect corn that is totally ego snow.  I also like the tactical aspect of figuring out what aspects and elevations to hit when to get it just right.  Immature corn (aka boiler plate) and over cooked corn is not so fun but that makes getting it right just that much more rewarding.

It also means beers on the deck after skiing which I think is such a great part of Whiteface's spring vibe.

Who is with me?
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: Corn season is coming

I love Corn season, I just hope we get pow for another month or two first.
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Re: Corn season is coming

I thought there would be a Spring feeling at Whiteface this weekend...instead, just great carving conditions on the entire mountain.  After this weekend my winter skiing is complete, bring on the Spring scene.
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Re: Corn season is coming

I'm with ML on this one.  After skiing nice pow conditions for the past few days I could wait until april for spring conditions.  Another 12-18 this week would be more my speed.  I do like beers on the the deck in the sun though.
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Re: Corn season is coming

MC2 5678F589
In reply to this post by Z
As a general note to people, don't be afraid to take out the fat skis for corn season. You get less fatigued, and you can ski longer, if you want to. I'm usually okay showing up at 10:00 when everything is softening up, skiing until 2, and heading to the deck to drink beers in the sun.
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Re: Corn season is coming

Can't wait for the corn season..Warm sun , soft snow and less crowds..
"Peace and Love"
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Re: Corn season is coming

Telemark Dave
In reply to this post by MC2 5678F589
mattchuck2 wrote
As a general note to people, don't be afraid to take out the fat skis for corn season. You get less fatigued, and you can ski longer, if you want to.

Corn = Slarve

"there is great chaos under heaven, and the situation is excellent" Disclaimer: Telemark Dave is a Hinterlandian. He is not from New York State, and in fact, doesn't even ski there very often. He is also obsessive-compulsive about Voile Charger BC's.
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Re: Corn season is coming

Cocah Z - it's -10F at the Summit today!!  

but this weekend looks like some blue skies and low 40's!

I want two feet of pow so we can butter the corn come late March!

I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Corn season is coming

In reply to this post by Z

Not yet!
"This is pure snow! Do you have any idea what the street value of this mountain is?"
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Re: Corn season is coming

Corn = chuck season = fun

bring it

i'm ready to start blastin some chucks---hopefully we can find some ammo
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Re: Corn season is coming

In reply to this post by ScottyJack
ScottyJack wrote

 so we can butter the corn come late March!
like that
Tele turns are optional not mandatory.
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Re: Corn season is coming

In reply to this post by MC2 5678F589
Yes fat is better for corn.  I'm looking forward to using my new 98mm under waist to slay some corn.

To Scotty's point that its still cold up top - one of the great things about Whiteface is that it is corn season on Mt Run and Winter on the summit in mid March.
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time