Crank 'em down

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Re: Crank 'em down

Harvey44 wrote
campgottagopee wrote
Torn ACL,MCL and a bone bruise.....not cool

4 weeks of pre-hab, surgery, then re-hab

Done for this season
Camp.  This BITES.

Best wishes for a FULL and SPEEDY recovery.

Yeah, prehab was new to me too.

Both my Doc and PT feel that by getting the swelling out of my knee, getting it as strong/flexible as they can be4 surgery will lessen my recovery time...guess it makes sense??
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Re: Crank 'em down

In reply to this post by Noah John
Noah John wrote
Wow camp - go big or go home!  I'm sure it'll start snowing now - thanks for taking one for the team.  Definitely make the WF trip!
You're welcome and I hope you're right. I'm now the DD for the Ranger w/tracks for our own "Sugarbush"...we worked hard clearing some of those trails and I want to see my pals RIP IT UP!!!

We'll be at WF for sure...who know's what kind of shape my knee will be in by then. Maybe I'll get lucky.
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Re: Crank 'em down

In reply to this post by MC2 5678F589
mattchuck2 wrote
Sucks about the injury, but I don't know if "crank 'em down" is the best way to avoid knee problems.  In this instance, it might have helped, but there are a lot of other instances where an ACL injury was caused by bindings NOT releasing.

Different Strokes.  Ski your bindings at where you feel safest.
I hear ya, but when I walk right out of a ski that aint good.

And yes, different strokes...that's what makes the world go around.
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Re: Crank 'em down

Vibes and heal quickly!

What exactly happened? You stepped out of one ski and twisted on the other? What kind of snow, or was this a parking lot type of injury?

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Re: Crank 'em down

Sub zero temp so snow was "grabby"

Was going into a right hand turn and my downhill ski (left ski) came off. Was going along pretty good, so when my boot hit the snow (didn't realize ski even came off) it flung my foot around wrenching my knee. Didn't know I had problems until I went to put my ski back on and my knee buckled...that scared the hell out of me!!!

Thanks for the ++++vibes
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Re: Crank 'em down

the knee buckling thing is really quite the freakish feeling...  I went w/ my hamstring.  Doc Smith @ LP recommended that approach.  He didn't like working w/ the dead people tissue and to tell you the truth I wasn't so keen on a dead persons soft tissue holding my knee stable.

I was already looking at 6 weeks no weight bearing (meniscus tear/bone bruising) so as far as recovery it was a push to cut my own tendon.  Sure it hurt more but a little pain is good for you now and again.

My timeline

Early march 2010 injury - ended my season
third week of April surgery
6 weeks started weight bearing
8 weeks started road riding
10 weeks was climbing Hurricane road out of Keene on my bike
Late August got the go ahead for modest cutting sports so I started badminton (actually really good re-hab)
Skied first week of Dec
Started droppin chit again - round Christmas
Rock solid now -  

I was religious w/ the re-hab.  like two or three days a week w/ the PT guy and then did all the stuff at home....  
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Crank 'em down

Sick Bird Rider
In reply to this post by campgottagopee
campgottagopee wrote
SBR, great post!!! Thanks for the info and the giggles.

They gave me one of those Donjoy braces...hate the damn thing. I wore it yesterday and my knee hurt worse this morning than it did the day of my injury. The way the inside hinge hits my knee it must rub right where my bone bruise is, OUCH!!!
No worries. We should all gain from each other's pain.

If they "gave" you a brace I doubt it was the same one I had. Donjoy makes lots of different braces. Mine was a custom fit Donjoy Defiance. I didn't get surgery until five years after my injury (seemed like the right plan at the time) and used the brace when skiing all that time. This unit is about $1300 and is made specifically for you. Looks clunky but you hardly know it's there (once you get used to it). If you get a custom brace make sure you are fitted before surgery because your leg will shrink a surprising amount due to loss of muscle mass.
Love Jay Peak? Hate Jay Peak? You might enjoy this: The Real Jay Peak Snow Report
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Re: Crank 'em down

  Sorry to hear of your injury Camp. Maybe it has something to do with skiers at Greek wearing camo pants. They seem to get injured a lot. Seriously, good luck with your recovery. I have a reconstructed ACL in my right knee, patella graft. I didn't injury it skiing, basketball, 17yrs ago. I never wore a brace, it has been pretty good. Follow directions, and you should be right back at it next season. Like others have mentioned, if things continue on their present course, you ain't missin much. The highlight of my season so far is five inches of fresh at Elk. Just came back from my first visit to Sugarbush, it was a major disappointment. Not that the skiing was terrible, just expecting so much more. Kept thinking all day, "Man, this place would f'n rock with a foot, or more, of powder, or even some manmade that hasn't been rained on then refrozen." Come home to see Greek is going to get "Wintery Mix", then 1/4" of rain, lovely. Isn't it almost February? I think pitchers are reporting soon. See, no worries. I'll have to look for your camo pants next season....if you dare.
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Re: Crank 'em down

In reply to this post by Sick Bird Rider
Sick Bird Rider wrote
campgottagopee wrote
SBR, great post!!! Thanks for the info and the giggles.

They gave me one of those Donjoy braces...hate the damn thing. I wore it yesterday and my knee hurt worse this morning than it did the day of my injury. The way the inside hinge hits my knee it must rub right where my bone bruise is, OUCH!!!
No worries. We should all gain from each other's pain.

If they "gave" you a brace I doubt it was the same one I had. Donjoy makes lots of different braces. Mine was a custom fit Donjoy Defiance. I didn't get surgery until five years after my injury (seemed like the right plan at the time) and used the brace when skiing all that time. This unit is about $1300 and is made specifically for you. Looks clunky but you hardly know it's there (once you get used to it). If you get a custom brace make sure you are fitted before surgery because your leg will shrink a surprising amount due to loss of muscle mass.
They gave it to me but billed my insurance co...I'm sure I'll pay for it one way or the other

Mine isn't the Defiance it's the Playmaker Wraparound. I'm sure I'll be wearing it once it doesn't hurt to do so.
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Re: Crank 'em down

In reply to this post by ScottyJack
ScottyJack wrote
the knee buckling thing is really quite the freakish feeling...  I went w/ my hamstring.  Doc Smith @ LP recommended that approach.  He didn't like working w/ the dead people tissue and to tell you the truth I wasn't so keen on a dead persons soft tissue holding my knee stable.

I was already looking at 6 weeks no weight bearing (meniscus tear/bone bruising) so as far as recovery it was a push to cut my own tendon.  Sure it hurt more but a little pain is good for you now and again.

I'm not a fan of pain so if I have an option my vote is for the dead guy
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Re: Crank 'em down

In reply to this post by Cornhead
Cornhead wrote
Sorry to hear of your injury Camp. Maybe it has something to do with skiers at Greek wearing camo pants. They seem to get injured a lot. Seriously, good luck with your recovery. I have a reconstructed ACL in my right knee, patella graft. I didn't injury it skiing, basketball, 17yrs ago. I never wore a brace, it has been pretty good. Follow directions, and you should be right back at it next season. Like others have mentioned, if things continue on their present course, you ain't missin much. The highlight of my season so far is five inches of fresh at Elk. Just came back from my first visit to Sugarbush, it was a major disappointment. Not that the skiing was terrible, just expecting so much more. Kept thinking all day, "Man, this place would f'n rock with a foot, or more, of powder, or even some manmade that hasn't been rained on then refrozen." Come home to see Greek is going to get "Wintery Mix", then 1/4" of rain, lovely. Isn't it almost February? I think pitchers are reporting soon. See, no worries. I'll have to look for your camo pants next season....if you dare.
I'll still be at the bar on sundays with my pals...if you're a bar guy maybe I'll see you in there....I like bars!!!

Camo foreva baby!!! Honestly, IMO,  hunting clothing is made so much better than ski seems tougher, lasts longer and the pricing is the same
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Re: Crank 'em down

All this belly aching , wrap that bad boy up, throw a brace on it and down a couple of perc's and go skiing...

you picked the right year to sit out...feel better

"Peace and Love"
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Re: Crank 'em down

JasonWx wrote
All this belly aching , wrap that bad boy up, throw a brace on it and down a couple of perc's and go skiing...

you picked the right year to sit out...feel better
I like the way you think!!!!!!

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Re: Crank 'em down

hey my daughter pretty much did excatly that with her second acl! she did both knees playing field hockey in the fall her junior and senior years. after missing a season with the first one opted to delay surgery until spring and board with a brace all season. doc was ok with it if she was - knee was trashed anyway so it wasn't like she gonna trash it any more and could fix it up if she did! doc's a skier so he undersdtood...
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Re: Crank 'em down

In reply to this post by campgottagopee
I tore my acl in Nov and I rehabbed til about jan, bought a brace and did ski out the remainder of the season and had surgery in April.  It is possible campy.  Although if the weather continues the way it is... although maybe if you get surgery, then we will get dumped on and you will be our lucky charm!
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Re: Crank 'em down

I'm considering just that. Obvi will depend on what both my Doc and PT (both skiers) think/feel I can do.

I'd like to think I could make turns at WF, get my bowling tourney in then have the surgery....time will tell.
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Re: Crank 'em down

Question for those who have tore up their knee...

Has anyone NOT had pain??? I don't, never did, like I said I didn't even know there was an issue until I went to put my ski back on.

I've asked both my Doc and PT and they really can't give me an answer...kinda wierd...must B I'm a freak of nature or something.
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Re: Crank 'em down

I felt pain when it happened but I didn't just step out of my ski on a rinky dink trail on Grape Peak...  Was twisted up sliding backwards towards a birch tree after over shooting my landing in Tommy's..  had to really dig in to stop and wrenched the knee hard.  Skis never came off.  Had em cranked cause I was just out west and did not want to bury a ski in da western pow......  

I did ski out of the woods and skied fine to summit quad so figured my not go up and see what happens on Cloudspin.  Made turns fine down the middle so I figured I head over to the side in the soft stuff and see what happens..  Well it buckled out from under me so I had to take it easy down to the base...

I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Crank 'em down

ScottyJack wrote
I felt pain when it happened but I didn't just step out of my ski on a rinky dink trail on Grape Peak...  
That was great!!!

Thanks for the info
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Re: Crank 'em down

I felt pain when it first happend but nothing that I did not shake off in the past.  Was going to ski but things went on hold or something.  

next day i went running.  My take is with sprain and bruises is wrap them up and run it out.   Works pretty good.

Went into the Doc cause it was swelling pretty good. Wanted an MRI to see what was going on.  After some back anf forth they wrote it up to get me one.  The date of the accident was 01/17 and I was heading to UTAH on 2/17.

the results came back ACL gone and tore Miniscus.  Talked about options and went to the PT.  The guy I spoke with there gave me better info(may be I could understand him better) that I received from the doc. He told me I need this special brace.  I was like lets get on that.  He did some measurements and gave a call over to the place in Cali that made them.  I knew I needed the brace cuase I had been skiing but could not push it without popping out.  Popping out.  Ha thats funny.   It was the week before I was heading out west.  The PT had the brace shipped to the place I was staying and the day I arrived it was waiting for me in a box.    Put it on and kept up with the people I was with.  

I was not going to get it done because I was running and skiing and not having to much trouble.  Spoke with a few Dr's about it and the general consensus was that if I did not get it taken care of I would need total knee replacement in ten years of so.

I scheduled the operation for the day before July fourth weekend.  I used cadaver parts as it seemed like the best option for me.  The Dr was not on board with it at first but after going over thing he to agreed with me.  Of course he would I was paying.  
The day I got it done I was in heaven.  I was pushing that button like a young lady that has just found her spot.  Got real Itchy but had a great time.

Went back to the Dr office two weeks later.  Saw the NP and she took the stitches out.  Went to PT three times and never saw the Dr. since the day of the surgery.  Well I saw him out at bars but that does not count.  I like the guy he was cool

Poof peace of cake everything AOK.