Crank 'em down

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Crank 'em down

Results are in:

Torn ACL,MCL and a bone bruise.....not cool

4 weeks of pre-hab, surgery, then re-hab

Done for this season

All this because of a pre-release. Crank 'em down folks

I'll still C the WF assclowns in March
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Re: Crank 'em down

warp daddy
Crapola !!!!!!!!!!!!! Damn that rots Campy  but  ur  young and strong and have a great "tude . You'll be back up next yr stronger than ever man > Vibes

Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.
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Re: Crank 'em down

In reply to this post by campgottagopee
On the bright side, as of now anyway, I guess if your season has to end short, this is the one to pick.

I had to end short last season at the end of January which really sucked!!!

Hope it all goes well for you!
It's easy to be against something ... It's hard to be for something!
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Re: Crank 'em down

Its happened to the best of us.  Listen to the Dr. and PT and good luck!  You should have Lp Sports Med do your surgery, they are awesome!  Scotty Jack and I both had our own hamstring graft and we both very happy with results.  
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Re: Crank 'em down

warp daddy
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.
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Re: Crank 'em down

In reply to this post by Pants
Thanks all.

I have a bowling tourney (not kidding) the second week of May so my goal is to be back by then.

I'm VERY confident w/ my Doc & PT guy...I know them both, and both have done a lot with athelets from Cuse, so I feel I'm in good hands.

Best thingE so far was the electric gizmo they hooked up to me knee. Pretty cool watching my knee jump around and man does it feel better when it's done!!!
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Re: Crank 'em down

In reply to this post by warp daddy
Yes, thats one of them.
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Re: Crank 'em down

sucks to hear camp - hang tough brotha, do your pt and "medication" regimens

they doing a patellar or cadaver graft for the acl?
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Re: Crank 'em down

Bummer but looks like if you have to miss a season this is the one. LP Sports Medicine guys are tops. Smith is excellent, Stevens is no longer their but was also tops. Definitely do the PT religiously afterwords, it pays off in spades. Pre release is the worst, I have my DIN setting about 3 to 4 notches above where they should be based on weight and never pre release but I come out when I should.
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Re: Crank 'em down

In reply to this post by gorgonzola
gorgonzola wrote
sucks to hear camp - hang tough brotha, do your pt and "medication" regimens

they doing a patellar or cadaver graft for the acl?
Meds are working fine

If I have a choice going with cadaver.....the less cutting on me the better

U around super bowl weekend???
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Re: Crank 'em down

In reply to this post by endoftheline
endoftheline wrote
  Pre release is the worst, I have my DIN setting about 3 to 4 notches above where they should be based on weight and never pre release but I come out when I should.
I normally do too, but I got new skis this year and forgot to crank em down after I got them back from having the bindings put on. Something I'll never forget to do again.....lesson learned.
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Re: Crank 'em down

In reply to this post by campgottagopee
my daughter had one of each and the cadaver was a much easier rehab for sure. not sure yet about super bowl - i'm bummed the weather is still sucking, was planning on coming up this weekend since we have a hockey bye week but not thinking its worth it at this point
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Re: Crank 'em down

gorgonzola wrote
my daughter had one of each and the cadaver was a much easier rehab for sure. not sure yet about super bowl - i'm bummed the weather is still sucking, was planning on coming up this weekend since we have a hockey bye week but not thinking its worth it at this point
That's what I've been told too, thanks.

Yeah, it's not pretty...IMO, def not worth the trip with what is open.
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Re: Crank 'em down

Sick Bird Rider
This post was updated on .
In reply to this post by campgottagopee
Been there, done that (see avatar). Good luck with the surgery and like others have said, do everything the docs and PTs tell you. I had ACL hammy graft in April 2010, rode a bike outdoors in June and was skiing carefully, with Donjoy brace, the following season. Skiing carefully but flat out, without brace, this season. You may want to check in to Gimp Central on TGR. Lots of good advice and support there (seriously). If nothing else, you have several people in the same boat to compare notes with.

Larger version of avatar with surgery related explanation:

The pic is me on post-surgery day 2. Make sure the weather forecast is favourable for post-surgery relaxation. My experience was very positive. And I don't care what you think, the man-purse is invaluable for carrying stuff around while crutching: water, beer, drugs, physio instructions and other manly paraphernalia...

Another bit of advice: in the first few days after surgery you'll be a little addled by drugs. Keep a drug diary. It will help prevent ODs due to memory lapse and be very illuminating later on. I'm sure some personality types will make a neater version than mine. Hey, I was on drugs! Note how drug use was decreasing. This is a good thing, in this case. Oxys make you constipated, which for a little while is not a bad thing. Senna tea FTW.

You might enjoy these two posts from my surgical experience -

When I woke up there were all these holes in my knee:

My wife's experience in the waiting room:

EDIT: For inspiration, this is me nine months after ACL surgery:

Photo by MattChuck2. Or possibly Harvey44.
Love Jay Peak? Hate Jay Peak? You might enjoy this: The Real Jay Peak Snow Report
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Re: Crank 'em down

In reply to this post by campgottagopee
campgottagopee wrote
Torn ACL,MCL and a bone bruise.....not cool

4 weeks of pre-hab, surgery, then re-hab

Done for this season
Camp.  This BITES.

Best wishes for a FULL and SPEEDY recovery.

"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Crank 'em down

Noah John
Wow camp - go big or go home!  I'm sure it'll start snowing now - thanks for taking one for the team.  Definitely make the WF trip!  
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Re: Crank 'em down

In reply to this post by Harvey
Sad news, now for the fun part . Good luck with the process. You will be good as new in no time.
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Re: Crank 'em down

In reply to this post by Sick Bird Rider
 I would suggest a long talk with your doctor on the options along with the pros and cons.

My daughter went through the ACL surgery twice and maybe our thought process will be useful. My daughter is a teenager and we went with the hamstring reconstruction. The cadaver was not recommended for someone so young due to the very small chance of there being a disease that we don't yet know about. I want to emphasize very small chance and don't want to scare you off. But she could have this thing in her body for 60+ years. It was not the right choice for us. The cadaver option does have a shorter rehab time. Patella tendon is actually a bit stronger than the hamstring but it can interfere with bone growth plates. She was on the edge of being done growing the second time so this was also eliminated. That left us with the hamstring.

As others have said, follow the rehab to the letter. Good luck

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Re: Crank 'em down

MC2 5678F589
In reply to this post by campgottagopee
Sucks about the injury, but I don't know if "crank 'em down" is the best way to avoid knee problems.  In this instance, it might have helped, but there are a lot of other instances where an ACL injury was caused by bindings NOT releasing.

Different Strokes.  Ski your bindings at where you feel safest.
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Re: Crank 'em down

In reply to this post by Sick Bird Rider
SBR, great post!!! Thanks for the info and the giggles.

They gave me one of those Donjoy braces...hate the damn thing. I wore it yesterday and my knee hurt worse this morning than it did the day of my injury. The way the inside hinge hits my knee it must rub right where my bone bruise is, OUCH!!! I don't have to move much at work and I'm being very careful when walking, as long as I'm square on my knee all is good. I can walk with no pain (limping), decent strength and with good confidence.

I'm secure enough in my manhood that I could pull of a man purse, but  think I'll opt for a backpack

Again, thanks for the tips....never thought of a drug log