Crazy things done to get 1st lift of the day.

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Crazy things done to get 1st lift of the day.

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My 50th post!<smiley Has anyone done any crazy things to get the 1st lift of the day/season?
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: Crazy things done to get 1st lift of the day.

I just make sure that I get the first beer of the season at the Tannery

It's just a tradition, because the first beer out of the taps that have been sitting for months is pretty bad.
"They don't think it be like it is, but it do." Oscar Gamble
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Re: Crazy things done to get 1st lift of the day.

bean valley
In reply to this post by snoloco
"Has anyone done any crazy things to get the 1st lift of the day/season?"

This may be over-the-top, but I actually joined ski patrol to do this.
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Re: Crazy things done to get 1st lift of the day.

bean valley wrote
"Has anyone done any crazy things to get the 1st lift of the day/season?"

This may be over-the-top, but I actually joined ski patrol to do this.
You beat me to it!

The only issue is our first few runs on a powder day usually involves a drill and bamboo down a groomed sunway and by the time we get cut free all the pow is gone... and the GP thinks we have it so good
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Re: Crazy things done to get 1st lift of the day.

In October of 1995, it snowed 100" here at Big Sky. We were hiking almost every day. I had 26 days in before they opened. So in November the mountain said they were going to open the Challenger chair on saturday, 11/11/95, for the locals to track/pack out, for five bucks. We were excited. Then they put ads on the radio. We were furious.
We knew the liftline would be biblical but I told everyone I knew that my buddy Stu and I were going to be first in line. They all told me to STFU. What they didn't know is that Stu had got tickets printed up ahead of time from a friend in accounting. So we camped out at the base of the chair the night before. When Patrol showed up in the morning, they laughed and took us up for 4 runs before public showed up. Even then, we skied down, got on the chair in front of a thousand people, then said " It's Open ! "