DEC defends decision to kill injured moose

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DEC defends decision to kill injured moose


They was a moose in the river up here.  Showed up this past Sat.   Went by it Sat morning around nine and people were lined up.  My  spouse made a comment it is probably a moose.  I did not think so because of where it was.  Not the ideal location for it.   Came past in the afternoon and it was still there.  Was there for a couple of days until the DEC shot it a couple days later.

There is something very unsettling about this.   To see what its deal was they shot it in the eye with a paint ball gun. So you have an injured moose, scared with everyone looking at it and people shooting it with pain ball guns.  It looked pathetic the day they put it down.   They say it's condition was worsening and it was creating traffic concerns.  

For such majestic animal its treatment was deplorable.  They could have darted it and taken it out and tended to its wounds.  They say it was to dangerous.  Bullshit.  If they darted it I know 20 people off the top of my head that would have gone down and winched him out on a volunteer basis.   It was creating atraffic concern.   Ever here of flaggers.  I think a volunteer could have flagged and made things perfectly safe.  

DEC took the easy way out and look like jerks.  I know and like a lot of them but who ever makes the decisions screwed this up.  

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Re: DEC defends decision to kill injured moose

Noah John
The whole thing is so strange.  I'll reserve judgment and let the facts play out a bit more but the story really bugs me too.  
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Re: DEC defends decision to kill injured moose

As much as it pains me  to see any animal put down, it seems to me like the right action was taken.

“On Tuesday (the moose) was obviously in distress,” Durfey said. “We tried to get it to move again and this time it wouldn’t. Both hind legs were swollen and the animal was floundering, thrashing and unable to stand and it’s limbs were shaky. It was obvious to us the animal wouldn’t be able to recover, and we decided then it was the best to euthanize him and end its suffering.”

yes, I'd like to know more of what this moose was suffering from and if it could've been saved, but being put down humanly is MUCH better than becoming coyote bait.....that would've been a very slow and extremely painful end to this big boys life....f'n coyotes

Very sad story

RIP Mr. Moose
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Re: DEC defends decision to kill injured moose

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I would like to know what the problem was as well.  Other than mad cow disease they should have pulled it out and tended to it.  
Shooting it with paint ball guns.  WTF!!  
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Re: DEC defends decision to kill injured moose

from my understanding they use paintballs all the time to scare off animals...the guy did not aim for eyes, but it was really windy.  Would not have been easy, to near impossible, to get that large of an animal out of that tight area just tranquilized and could have injured him more.

it does suck and I too had some reservations, but I do think they did what they had too after hearing more info.
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Re: DEC defends decision to kill injured moose

In reply to this post by tjf1967
From reading the article they shot it w/ paint ball guns to try and get it to move, believe me a paint ball shot to a moose is like a skeeter bite to you and big deal.

My assumtion is the cold water made this big boys legs/hips/whatever feel better and that's why he was staying in the river. BUT, that said, any wild critter should've turned tail and gotten out of there with all the human activity going on around it....they don't like people, so something was obvi wrong with him.

 I too would feel better about it if the tranquilized it and diagnosed the problem be4 putting him down.
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Re: DEC defends decision to kill injured moose

In reply to this post by Pants
Cool aid
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Re: DEC defends decision to kill injured moose

In reply to this post by campgottagopee
campgottagopee wrote
f'n coyotes
Coyotes like wolves are an integral part of our ecosystem.  If I get to come back in the next life I'd probably come back as a griz or a wolf.  

And I would def hunt, eat and poop you out CampManCandy!

As for the moose, the fellow who shot him in the face felt terrible he hit him there and even worse on day four when it was readily apparent the moose was in extreme stress as its condition deteriorated significantly.  

Tough spot to be in.  No one took any joy in it.    
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: DEC defends decision to kill injured moose

ScottyJack wrote
campgottagopee wrote
f'n coyotes
Coyotes like wolves are an integral part of our ecosystem.  
Agree 100%

I'll shoot every coyote I see this year while hunting.