Day off in SLC non skiing activities

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Day off in SLC non skiing activities

Check out the trip report section for my families Utah trip log

We built in a free day in our intineary this year for the first time.  The plan was to ski 3 days take one off on Saturady and then ski 3 more.  The weather dictated skiing Saturday instead and taking Sunday off when it would be colder after a warm day.  It still was almost 60 in Salt Lake.  We did what I suppose normal non skiing families do on vacation.  Breakfast coffee newspaper and look for something to do.  We ended up visiting the beautiful university of Utah campus and then spending the afternoon at the Utah Natural History Museum.  It was one best museums I've experienced.

The view from the roof of the museum overlooking the city.

Great exhibits on native Americans, the geology and formation of the local mountains and climate and the biggest dinosaur exhibit I've seen due to the local finds in fossils.

Followed that up with pool time and a nice dinner in Dowtown SLC
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: Day off in SLC non skiing activities

That museum is really cool. I went there on a date once during a dry spell my winter at Alta. I was going to suggest it when I saw the thread title and then opened it and....whala! There it is.
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Re: Day off in SLC non skiing activities

MC2 5678F589
In reply to this post by Z
Wow. Looks great. I love Natural History Museums.
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Re: Day off in SLC non skiing activities

In reply to this post by Z
That Ceratopsidae family tree is pretty rad. Looks like you had a good day.
"This is pure snow! Do you have any idea what the street value of this mountain is?"
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Re: Day off in SLC non skiing activities

I missed this but if it's not too late: