Day one after hospital stay christmas eve

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Day one after hospital stay christmas eve

warp daddy
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Had a non life threatening scare Christmas Eve that landed me in the ER and overnite for observation . They released me Christmas morning with no restrictions . i had the whole family 11 of us with the grandkids here for a week . So i decided to be prudent and ease in to it  So we skated  ;). My first time in several decades . Then i operated the snow blower all christmas week with no issues SO after rechecking with my docs i decided yesterday was THE day !

5 of us headed for Titus, drove up in a storm and arrived to see the magnificent new lodge and facilities . The mtn got 8 inches of fresh and they left the whole joint ungroomed !   It was classic blower and the skiing was awesome , this year they added 15 new trails , ii of which are glades . It was colder than a well diggers ass. ,but we all GOT the right gear for dat chit !!

So my promise to Queen was broken on the first run,  i  let em run at Warpspeed wooo Heeee life is GOOOOOOD ! Put the first lines on one o my fav slopes there

Then just for the hell of it i headed out with one of my buddies 2 college age grandsons and we sampled one of the new gladed MOGUL fields . Now ole Warp don,t do that chit UNLess its is necessary . In otherwords bumps and almost 70 yr old backs and knees make strange companions . But all that glucosimine i started taking KICKED in an i actually loved and the lads thought the old fart was OK .   great day out there skied 2o runs called it a day at 3 and drove home before yet another clipper came thru .

Man i needed that !!  We will try a few other hills sat and wed then back to T sometime late next week.
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.
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Re: Day one after hospital stay christmas eve

Sweet, glad you're OK, and got some. It's been a stellar week here in central NY. I've never been to Titus, but I have a voucher that I plan on using when I travel your way to ski Whiteface. Maybe we can share some turns.
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Re: Day one after hospital stay christmas eve

Dang Warp, glad you B ok!!!!

Sounds like ya'll had a blast, glad to hear it.

As CH said, it's game on here in CNY----seems like it's been snowing  every single day
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Re: Day one after hospital stay christmas eve

warp daddy
Thanks Camp and CH for your kind words , i am indeed a lucky guy . So glad to hear u. Guys are getting the goods andq making turns!!! U guys rock!

 Campy hows the knee holding up ?? man the glucosimine has done wonders for me .

 CH ifn u do get up here i,d b honored to show u around. . And hopefully keep up with ya .  i have some great  ski buddies up here that keep me going, but this yr 2  of them are sidelined for the season with Hip replacements .

happy trails

Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.
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Re: Day one after hospital stay christmas eve

glad to hear youre back on the snow, warp! always great to see some warp-bonic trip reports

cheers to the gluco-con with a side of fish/flax oil!
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Re: Day one after hospital stay christmas eve

In reply to this post by warp daddy
Knee stinks---somehow during my rehab I tore my ACL....... again

At this point I've got a brace and just going at it

First time out I did 3 runs, 2nd 4, and sunday did 9. Just trying to ease back into the swing of things.

For a while I was really bummed out about it, but when there's nothing you can do about things you just need to suck it up a deal with it.

Any_A_Ways...snowing here now
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Re: Day one after hospital stay christmas eve

skiing's fun, aint it?!

Welcome back!
The day begins...  Your mountain awaits.
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Re: Day one after hospital stay christmas eve

In reply to this post by campgottagopee
campgottagopee wrote
Knee stinks---somehow during my rehab I tore my ACL....... again

At this point I've got a brace and just going at it

First time out I did 3 runs, 2nd 4, and sunday did 9. Just trying to ease back into the swing of things.

For a while I was really bummed out about it, but when there's nothing you can do about things you just need to suck it up a deal with it.

Any_A_Ways...snowing here now
oh shit! sorry to hear that camp. when my my daughter tore her second acl (other knee though), rather than lose another season on the snow she said eff it and boarded all season with a brace and had surgery in the spring. doc said damage was done, not like youre gonna hurt it any more...
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Re: Day one after hospital stay christmas eve

In reply to this post by warp daddy
Sorry Warp,but very happy to see you got some, best ski report ever.
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Re: Day one after hospital stay christmas eve

warp daddy
In reply to this post by campgottagopee
Camp i am so sorry to hear that my man ! Chit u were killin rehab and lost the weight and i figured u were headin for an EPIC year.  

Look dude , you are young ,  mentally tough , skilled and have GAME!

You will heal  .  AS an ex college jock  i get it that you want to rock , but  take care young dude !!!!  Can't B havin any o mah boyz ridin da pines  too long ya know!
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.
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Re: Day one after hospital stay christmas eve

In reply to this post by campgottagopee
campgottagopee wrote
For a while I was really bummed out about it, but when there's nothing you can do about things you just need to suck it up a deal with it.
Words to live by!!!

Hope you can get a decent season in, despite the knee!
It's easy to be against something ... It's hard to be for something!
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Re: Day one after hospital stay christmas eve

In reply to this post by campgottagopee
IMHO you're risking meniscal damage. you have an unstable knee even with the brace. you're not an pro athlete whose career depends on staying in the game. be patient. get the knee stabilized and strengthened then ski. your long term skiing future is at risk if you further damage the knee. it's not worth short term fun for long term agony.
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Re: Day one after hospital stay christmas eve

In reply to this post by warp daddy
warp daddy wrote
Camp i am so sorry to hear that my man ! Chit u were killin rehab and lost the weight and i figured u were headin for an EPIC year.  

Look dude , you are young ,  mentally tough , skilled and have GAME!

You will heal  .  AS an ex college jock  i get it that you want to rock , but  take care young dude !!!!  Can't B havin any o mah boyz ridin da pines  too long ya know!
Thanks, Warp, BUT U listen here----U take care of yourself, mmmmmmmmmk coach???

You hit the nail right on the head----i never was a big pine rider
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Re: Day one after hospital stay christmas eve

In reply to this post by Face4Me
Face4Me wrote
campgottagopee wrote
For a while I was really bummed out about it, but when there's nothing you can do about things you just need to suck it up a deal with it.
Words to live by!!!

Hope you can get a decent season in, despite the knee!
thanks, been good so far
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Re: Day one after hospital stay christmas eve

In reply to this post by frk
frk wrote
IMHO you're risking meniscal damage. you have an unstable knee even with the brace. you're not an pro athlete whose career depends on staying in the game. be patient. get the knee stabilized and strengthened then ski. your long term skiing future is at risk if you further damage the knee. it's not worth short term fun for long term agony.

meniscus is already gone

eff it---i'm skiing
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Re: Day one after hospital stay christmas eve

In reply to this post by warp daddy
Good stuff Warp!  Glad you are back in action.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp