Definition of a Ski Day?

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Definition of a Ski Day?

I'm one of those skiers who loves skiing but also loves stats.  How many days on the mountain?  How many runs?  Earliest day out, etc.  Some of these stats I keep diligently, others casually (for example I know where I skied on what day the last two years but I only keep track of my runs while on the mountain and usually forget the numbers within days).

My question is what sort of criteria do people on here have for defining a ski day?  Last year I counted a day I volunteered at Hickory.  I rode a snowmobile to the base of Poma 2, rode Poma 2 to the summit, skied down to the top of Poma 1, worked there for a bit and then skied to the base.  It was really just one run but I counted it.  Yesterday I skied Gore in the morning and then took the kids to Dynamite Hill and made few runs there with the kids.  A part of me considers yesterday two different ski days (even though Dynamite Hill isn't more than a little slope with a rope tow).

I've also considered skiing someplace like Gore or Hickory during the day and then heading over to West for night skiing.  I think that would count as two days.

There's nothing important about this, I'm just curious about how others see this stuff.
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Re: Definition of a Ski Day?

A day is a day.....count the runs, and the vertical, although the vertical can be very misleading (20k this past weekend is so much less work than 20k after snow and/or soft spring corn snow).

Volunteering and taking one run is a day.  Sorry - 2 mountains on one calendar day is also one ski day.  

Basically if you are on the hill(s) and make turns, its a day.  Some are just longer than others!
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Re: Definition of a Ski Day?

I'm with Hoser (why did that just make me laugh)

If I put my skis on and slide down a hill I've skied....I've only had one one and done day so far this year...conditions were just a bit too "firm" for the condition I was in new years day so opted out. That's the nice thing about living local and having a pass. I don't feel obligated to go skiing if the conditions aren't to my liking.
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Re: Definition of a Ski Day?

In reply to this post by Snowhunter
<quote author="Snowhunter">

<I've also considered skiing someplace like Gore or Hickory during the day and then heading over to West for night skiing.  I think that would count as two days.>

.counts as two days to me, if every body at Gore counts it as a day and everybody at West counts it as a day then why not two

Tele turns are optional not mandatory.
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Re: Definition of a Ski Day?

If you have skis on and going down hill I consider it skiing. 1 run or 20.
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Re: Definition of a Ski Day?

In reply to this post by Snowhunter
I've never really had a one run day - unless you count backcountry.  

But for me, any day with one run, is a ski day.  I need all the ski days I can get.

Last year I had 35, which makes 35+ the holy grail.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Definition of a Ski Day?

The only day last year that I didn't count as a ski day was when I couldn't get to the mountain during a storm and dragged my skis down to the sledding hill down the street from was hilarious and I got a few "earn your turn" runs in but really..its all of maybe 50 feet..haha. Other than that any day going downhill on skis is a ski day for me..
*~It is better to go skiing and think of God, than go to church and think of sport.~*  -Fridtjof Nansen
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Re: Definition of a Ski Day?

Thanks for all the replies.  My Holy Grail is 30 right now.  I tried my darnedest to get that 30th day last season but it just wasn't meant to be.  I just was curious who people counted.  I was feeling like a day at Dynamite Hill shouldn't equal a day on the slides but now I believe it should.  I was there on the hill playing with the kids, skiing down with them, showing them things and laughing and having a ball and I realize now after giving it more thought that that's what it's all about!!!

Right now I'm looking to get days 6 & 7 in this week.....  
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Re: Definition of a Ski Day?

MC2 5678F589
I don't really count days.  But If I did, I'd say 1 run = 1 day, provided you're at an actual skiing location.  One run down your stairs or your backyard rail setup doesn't count.
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Re: Definition of a Ski Day?

jimvdak hitting days 6 and 7 this weekend too! Going to Wachusett with some beginner friends from boston...not expecting much from the mountain, but its going to be a fun weekend
*~It is better to go skiing and think of God, than go to church and think of sport.~*  -Fridtjof Nansen