Discount lift tix and some beds left in the cabin for March 8-10 Gore Mtn

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Discount lift tix and some beds left in the cabin for March 8-10 Gore Mtn

Join our fun group of skiers in merriment at the beautiful Camp Dippikill. For $50 you get a bed (bring your own bedding) in a nice but rustic cabin on 900 acres of Adirondack forest just 20 minutes from Gore Mtn.

Lift tix are $55 for one day and $95 for 2 day.

Gorgonzola took a chance and signed up with our group back in January. He can attest to our fun-loving demeanor.

All are welcome to our apres ski party and "holiday dinner". Bring ice skates.

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Re: Discount lift tix and some beds left in the cabin for March 8-10 Gore Mtn

great group of ski people, bummed i can't make this
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Re: Discount lift tix and some beds left in the cabin for March 8-10 Gore Mtn

I joined PDQ last year and I can say it is a good time.
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Re: Discount lift tix and some beds left in the cabin for March 8-10 Gore Mtn

Big D
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Oh... Can I bring Spunky, my pot bellied pig, she only has a few minor issues,
like being a little territorial.
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Re: Discount lift tix and some beds left in the cabin for March 8-10 Gore Mtn

outlaw 1
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Re: Discount lift tix and some beds left in the cabin for March 8-10 Gore Mtn

outlaw doesnt seem to have a problem with spunky being there
Tele turns are optional not mandatory.
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Re: Discount lift tix and some beds left in the cabin for March 8-10 Gore Mtn

In reply to this post by Powderqueen
 I had a rude wakeup call yesterday...
a moth floated by moments after I loaded the chair on my 1st ride up the lift.
as i prepared to unload i lifted the bar and there it was, the first spider of spring.
say it aint so...
Do you have room for one more??
The long days of Shockley are gone,
 So is football Kennedy style
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Re: Discount lift tix and some beds left in the cabin for March 8-10 Gore Mtn

I have one bed left. Email me directly at powderqueen at nyskiblog dot com.