Do You Like Skiing Alone?

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Re: Do You Like Skiing Alone?

Harvey44 wrote
Skiing all day long is something of a flatlander thing. I'm always pumped when locals ski with me til lunch. I also take breaks mid-run as I'm an old teledude and I get tired.

Skiing alone is a "necessity" for me. If I'm skiing with Zelda (or more accurately riding the same lift) I'm trying to get into the trees and the only way most often alone. If I didn't ski alone I'd do a lot less tree skiing. Hence "necessity."

I recently got a long lecture from Gore Patrol (#1) for skiing alone in the trees.  He tried to pull my seasons pass for it, but I just didn't give it to him. I was as polite as possible.

While I understand the legal thing - I guess I could sue if I got hurt (?) - the incident left a bad taste in my mouth.

Whao---they obvi didn't know who they were messin with---you shoulda punched the effr
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Re: Do You Like Skiing Alone?

In reply to this post by Harvey
Harvey44 wrote
I recently got a long lecture from Gore Patrol (#1) for skiing alone in the trees.  He tried to pull my seasons pass for it, but I just didn't give it to him. I was as polite as possible.
good job!  
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Do You Like Skiing Alone?

In reply to this post by campgottagopee
campgottagopee wrote
Whao---they obvi didn't know who they were messin with---you shoulda punched the effr
LOL. Doubt that would matter. Although once on a pow day I think my gear may have helped me along my way.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Do You Like Skiing Alone?

In reply to this post by Harvey
Harvey44 wrote
I recently got a long lecture from Gore Patrol (#1) for skiing alone in the trees.  He tried to pull my seasons pass for it, but I just didn't give it to him. I was as polite as possible.
patroller with a power trip issue
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Re: Do You Like Skiing Alone?

In reply to this post by Harvey
Harvey44 wrote
I recently got a long lecture from Gore Patrol (#1) for skiing alone in the trees.  He tried to pull my seasons pass for it, but I just didn't give it to him. I was as polite as possible.

While I understand the legal thing - I guess I could sue if I got hurt (?) - the incident left a bad taste in my mouth.
I need some more detail. Does "Gore Patrol (#1)" mean Bean Dip? That's impossible to believe. Was it some young guy or a weekend volunteer on a power trip? I would have asked him to ski back to to the Saddle patrol base with me and then I would have given him a lecture in front of everyone else.

If you're skiing alone in a glade on the map, Patrol CANNOT pull your pass. That's just a caution. If you get hurt skiing alone in the trees and then sue, you're wasting your time. Your case will be dismissed on assumption of risk grounds faster than you can file it.

Don't ever ski alone off the map. You need a friend to drag you back onto the map if you get hurt.
"They don't think it be like it is, but it do." Oscar Gamble
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Re: Do You Like Skiing Alone?

Duck T. R.
You know when I ski alone, I perfer to be by myself ( or was that drink alone). I ski about 90 to 100 days a year and 80% of the time I'm alone and I love it (I enjoy my company). Not that I don't like people, I just don't like to wait for others while I'm skiing. Chair lifts were made for talking, when you get off you ski to the next chair then talk again. Only my wife and Suds think that way and my wife had to be trained.  
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Re: Do You Like Skiing Alone?

In reply to this post by Spongeworthy
Spongeworthy wrote
I need some more detail. Does "Gore Patrol (#1)" mean Bean Dip? That's impossible to believe. Was it some young guy or a weekend volunteer on a power trip? I would have asked him to ski back to to the Saddle patrol base with me and then I would have given him a lecture in front of everyone else.

If you're skiing alone in a glade on the map, Patrol CANNOT pull your pass. That's just a caution. If you get hurt skiing alone in the trees and then sue, you're wasting your time. Your case will be dismissed on assumption of risk grounds faster than you can file it.

Don't ever ski alone off the map. You need a friend to drag you back onto the map if you get hurt.
I am sure Harv knows who Beanie is. Let me say though - Beanie is one of the first staffers you want to help you in case you get hurt.

Do I like skiing alone, it's OK but would prefer to ski with others. One of the reasons I joined Patrol was to ski with other people but over the past few years I have ended up skiing alone even while patrolling. I have found some fun folks to ski with from my affiliation with NYSEF, many of the other parents were racers in their youth and are a lot of fun to ski with.
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Re: Do You Like Skiing Alone?

In reply to this post by Harvey
Harvey44 wrote
I recently got a long lecture from Gore Patrol (#1) for skiing alone in the trees.  He tried to pull my seasons pass for it, but I just didn't give it to him. I was as polite as possible.

While I understand the legal thing - I guess I could sue if I got hurt (?) - the incident left a bad taste in my mouth.
I gotta say that is a strange encounter. I can't see that happening at WF under those circumstances...just sayin.
There's truth that lives
And truth that dies
I don't know which
So never mind - Leonard Cohen
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Re: Do You Like Skiing Alone?

Peter Minde
Depends on what you're looking for.  I don't mind skiing alone, but having company is good.

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Re: Do You Like Skiing Alone?

In reply to this post by Spongeworthy
Spongeworthy wrote
If you're skiing alone in a glade on the map,
I have a feeling that may be part of it.
If not, WTF?!

I set out for the first run or two solo pretty frequently to get my legs under me. By then, I usually run into someone to ski with.
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Re: Do You Like Skiing Alone?

Skiing alone has its pleasures, for sure.  Skiing also is a great way to travel alone.  I spent a couple of months in New Zealand.  Skiing there alone got me to meet lots of folks I probably wouldn't have otherwise.
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Re: Do You Like Skiing Alone?

In reply to this post by tBatt
Occasionally I like skiing alone. Only have to stop to pee or eat when I want to. But generally I prefer to ski in a small group. Large groups are a pain and probably prompts a day or two going solo.

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Re: Do You Like Skiing Alone?

It's gotten to the point that I ski solo 75% of the time. So many contemporaries that I used to ski with have abandoned the sport for various reasons. Of those times that I am skiing with others, half of those are with my kids.

It's funny how fallin' feels like flyin', even for a little while
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Re: Do You Like Skiing Alone?

where's the snow
I like to ski alone. Groups can be fun if all are about the same skill level.  When going to a new mountain its always nice to have someone with you who knows the mountain and can show you those secret stashes and unmarked glades..
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Re: Do You Like Skiing Alone?

In reply to this post by Highpeaksdrifter
I'd like too ski with a small group, but I tend to ski alone as people I ask never come through and my wife doesn't seem to want to ski.  Though as my 4 year old son gets older, I'm hope to see more bonding time on the blue and black runs out there. :)
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Re: Do You Like Skiing Alone?

For years I skied alone because I had no one else to ski with.  Then I hooked up with a bunch of skiers from the city and went on a couple of weekend trips with them each year.  I loved the camaraderie.  As the day progressed the groups constantly changed from a dozen or more of us to sometimes just 2 or 3.  There was rarely a plan and it was fun meeting up, skiing a run or two as a bunch and then splitting up again.  Those were some great times.

I've since relocated to the Adirondacks and the vast majority of my skiing has been solo again.  I don't mind skiing alone but given a choice I'd rather be with others.  The great thing now is that the wife has skied the last two seasons and her confidence is growing and this year I finally had my three little ones and my older daughter all on the mountain at the same time!  I know now that it's just going to be a matter of time before we're all skiing together and then before you know it the kids will be blowing me away on the mountain.  Good things to look forward to.

Skiing alone isn't bad.  Sometimes it's just me and the mountain, nature and my thoughts.  Sometimes its me and my tunes rocking the morning away and sometimes it's me and my camera gear as I make lots of stops and take many pictures (and sometimes it's a combo of all three).

I do find that I challenge and push myself more when I'm with others.  When alone I tend to get into a comfort zone and I'm less likely to try something new.

At the end of the day though it's all about skiing and I will do whatever I have to to ski as much as possible and if that means skiing alone so be it!
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Re: Do You Like Skiing Alone?

Yes I ski alone and am fine with it, if I ski with certain others who enjoy my High times then I will ski with them.
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Re: Do You Like Skiing Alone?

In reply to this post by Snowhunter
Skiing alone beats not skiing!   I don't have that many friends that ski, so I end up going alone quite a bit.  I don't mind it, I listen to some good music and ski whatever trails I want for however long I want.  Having said that, I do prefer to ski with someone else or a small group of similar ability.
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Re: Do You Like Skiing Alone?

With family and and work commitments I do a lot guerrilla skiing and biking - throw the skis or bike in the car and whenever I get a free hour or two ..... Bam! Gotta hit it when you can. Means alot of solo riding and i don't mind it but that's one of the reasons I love these forums, Met some great folks to ski and ride with!