Do You Like Skiing Alone?

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Do You Like Skiing Alone?

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I will if I have to, but I prefer skiing with others in a group of 2 -4. When I ski with more then that it seems too hard to keep everyone together and too much discussion on where to ski. About the only time I prefer skiing alone is when I'm taking pictures. I like to take my time, get the shot I want and not hold anyone up.
There's truth that lives
And truth that dies
I don't know which
So never mind - Leonard Cohen
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Re: Do You Like Skiing Alone?

Sick Bird Rider
I prefer skiing with others on trips to Jay Peak but when I go night skiing at our local hill, Hidden Bump, I would rather ski alone. For me, night skiing has a much different vibe than day skiing: it feels more like "practice" and I find that I get into a very enjoyable Zen-like state, riding up the lift for 8 minutes and skiing down in about one minute, repeating ad nauseum for a couple of hours.
Love Jay Peak? Hate Jay Peak? You might enjoy this: The Real Jay Peak Snow Report
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Re: Do You Like Skiing Alone?

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To answer HPD's original question simply - yes. I like skiing.  

If the implied question is ... do I like it better than skiing in a group — it depends on the group. When I look at days like March 20, 2010 at Gore - I can't imagine a better way to spend a day.

SBR ... I'd love to a live in a locale that got regular snow, and have a hill close enough for a few runs at night. I'd ski 100 days a year.  Like to see a pic of Dutchman's Glades. What's the vert?

"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Do You Like Skiing Alone?

Sick Bird Rider
Dutchman's Glade is a bit of a joke. It is very short (six turns and you are done), fairly steep, rarely open, filled with stumps and roots and mostly serves as a playground for kids.

The entire hill is somewhere around 350' vertical. It may not be big but it has snow and it is 15 minutes from my house. We have somewhat bigger and much better skiing within a two hour drive. My favorite local hill is Sir Sam's which actually has less vert but more terrain, a laid-back family vibe and a progressive "ski anywhere you like" attitude. We think of Sir Sam's as a "mini Jay Peak."
Love Jay Peak? Hate Jay Peak? You might enjoy this: The Real Jay Peak Snow Report
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Re: Do You Like Skiing Alone?

In reply to this post by Highpeaksdrifter
I prefer to ski with others and drink alone.

Actually, most of my early skiing experience was solo - I didn't have many other friends who skied, so I took it up myself. It's only been these last few years that I have generated a circle of friends who 1) can ski, and 2) do so on the same approximate level. That said, I have no problem skiing alone, and may likely do a lot of it on future Euro ski trips, for example. The only part that becomes a bore, in those circumstances, is apres-ski. Dining alone restaurant full of happy couples & families in Val d'Isere or Courmayer would be a total drag...
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Re: Do You Like Skiing Alone?

MC2 5678F589
In reply to this post by Highpeaksdrifter
I'd much rather ski with other people of similar skills and attitude.

But face with the decision of not skiing at all or skiing alone, I'm skiing alone every time.
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Re: Do You Like Skiing Alone?

In reply to this post by Highpeaksdrifter
Always have to push myself to go alone, but almost always end up having an awesome time when I do!
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Re: Do You Like Skiing Alone?

I like them both. Skiing alone or with a 1 or 2 people..Skiing with a large group sucks, too many opinions on what trail, when to take a break etc...
"Peace and Love"
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Re: Do You Like Skiing Alone?

I ski alone quite often and I enjoy it.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: Do You Like Skiing Alone?

warp daddy
Prefer skiing with 2/3 others of similar ability BUT do about 4/6 times a yr alone and thats cool too.
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.
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Re: Do You Like Skiing Alone?

Prefer to ski with one other, just in case!  

Having just started in the glades, I do stand there and ponder whether that "ski alone" recommendation is just a guideline or a rule.  

So far I treat it as a guideline!
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Re: Do You Like Skiing Alone?

When I have to, yes!  I know some may not like this comment...but I can rock the tunes better when alone, also.  That said, I prefer to ski with someone when I can.  Makes the day generally more interesting, and makes me feel less guilty about doing stupid stuff like going into glades alone, which you should really never do.  I hate drinking alone as well, but when the Ubu calls you do what you gotta.

Kind of stoked my daughter has aged out of ski school, and has the skills to join what used to be my 'Daddy Days' going solo.  We had a great day a couple weeks ago, skiing the Slides and glades, and generally ripping the mountain up, together.

Anyone not want to ski alone Friday/Sat and Whiteface?  Wife and I are headed up without the kiddos for a little late season ski/spa/Placid time.
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Re: Do You Like Skiing Alone?

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Snow sports school types are social animals that like to ski with others but I don't like skiing in too large of a group as it tends to slow down and its hard to get everyone to agree where to go.  I absolutely hate riding long lifts by myself too.

At times I also enjoy skiing by myself and its a necessity sometimes when I'm trying to get some freeskiing in before and around line ups and privates.
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Re: Do You Like Skiing Alone?

I have no problem skiing alone.  Especially on a powder day.  But I prefer to ski w/ my wife who rocks it!

I do not mind skiing w/ a small motivated crew that likes to talk on the lifts only.  

I can not tolerate the standing about discussing which way to go stuff.  Again, that's for the lifts...

And I've come to ignore the "trail boss" guy who always knows where to go and will tell you it will be better over there in an hour even though you've just come from "there" and know its prime now and fading...  At this point, I just drop that guy...  

I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Do You Like Skiing Alone?

Yes. I thoroughly enjoy skiing alone.  Go at your own pace...where you want and when.  With that said, I love skiing with my girls and also my buddies.
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Re: Do You Like Skiing Alone?

Gunny J
In reply to this post by Highpeaksdrifter
  I only ski about 5 days alone a season out of 40.  Way better skiing with a partner. One of best days of season this year was when I got all three of my sons out on the same day.
Want to spend special time with your children, teach them to ski or snowboard. The reward will be endless!
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Re: Do You Like Skiing Alone?

I love skiing in large groups with folks who like to stand around and chat

OK not really...I love skiing alone!  It is great skiing with my girls because they rip and one other notable Harvey Road stalker, who has missed the last two weeks down south, but I don't like to have to wait for anybody and don't want anyone waiting for me.  When I ski alone I can go where I want and as fast or slow as I want.  I'll talk on the lift and on the deck over some beers (I wish Gore had UBU) but when I am skiing I am very selfish

Ski you tomorrow
Proud to call Gore My Home Mountain
Covid stole what would have been my longest season ever!
I'll be back
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Re: Do You Like Skiing Alone?

Something I have noticed with a lot of posters here is that you folks ski pretty hard, as in keep skiing all day long. No stopping. And that is a good thing. I guess that I stop quite a bit. I can ski top to bottom on any trail or mountain but I like to take many breaks in the woods during the day. We sit around a lot. I ski almost every day so I don't feel a need to get max vert every time out. Of course there are powder days when we put out some more. When we had a functioning gondola we could take care of business on the way up. I don't like taking care of business on a regular chair. Hands get cold, too windy to light up the business, things fall off the chairlift, forget to get off the chairlift.... shitt happens.
Sometimes it's great to ski alone but hook up with your friends in the woods.
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Re: Do You Like Skiing Alone?

In reply to this post by ScottyJack
ScottyJack wrote
I do not mind skiing w/ a small motivated crew that likes to talk on the lifts only.  

I can not tolerate the standing about discussing which way to go stuff.  Again, that's for the lifts...

And I've come to ignore the "trail boss" guy who always knows where to go and will tell you it will be better over there in an hour even though you've just come from "there" and know its prime now and fading...

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Re: Do You Like Skiing Alone?

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In reply to this post by lolkl
Skiing all day long is something of a flatlander thing. I'm always pumped when locals ski with me til lunch. I also take breaks mid-run as I'm an old teledude and I get tired.

Skiing alone is a "necessity" for me. If I'm skiing with Zelda (or more accurately riding the same lift) I'm trying to get into the trees and the only way most often alone. If I didn't ski alone I'd do a lot less tree skiing. Hence "necessity."

I recently got a lecture from Gore Patrol (#1) for skiing alone in the trees.  He tried to pull my seasons pass for it, but I just didn't give it to him. I was as polite as possible.

While I understand the legal thing - I guess I could sue if I got hurt (?) - the incident left a bad taste.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp